Thursday, January 30

11 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee Daily Is So Good

coffee tips
Photo by Rido from

Reduce your stress levels by smelling a delicious cup of coffee!

It may seem like we are pulling your leg, but researchers actually found out that it is true. A group of scientists from Seoul National University has conducted research on a group of rats that were sleep-deprived. After exposing some of them to the smell of coffee, they analyzed their brains and discovered that those who came into contact with the coffee aroma had changes in the brain proteins linked to stress.

They also made sure to point out that this was in relation to stress caused by lack of sleep in particular! But even so, this explains why, back in college, after we had an all-nighter, getting a fresh cup of coffee seemed to take the edge off: it was all in the scent!

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6 thoughts on “11 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee Daily Is So Good”

  1. The news about coffee is a surprise. I drank ice tea for years, and never took a sip of coffee. Since I met my married partner of 27 years, I drink three cups of coffee, daily. I’m feeling much better and heather than ever.

    1. I would like to know about decaf, too. Is it the coffee that helps or the caffeine? What about the caffeine in chocolate?

  2. While there may be truth to most of these claims, it is of upmost importance to know what else is in a particular type of coffee.

    For example, coffee has an affinity for the toxic mineral cadmium. Coffee is actually used to help clean up toxic waste sites, because it absorbs all of the cadmium. And it takes of cadmium from whatever soil it is grown in.

    If it is not organic coffee, then it contains harmful pesticides and herbacides.

    Certain coffees, such as Sulawesi, might get their rich, earthy flavor from lying wet and moldy for six months.

    Coffees have varying degrees of acidity, based on the variety, the roasting, and the preparation.

    I am not disputing most of the claims in this article (other than perhaps the claim that sleep deprivation is okay if coffee makes you feel wide awake and alert). However, I am suggesting that this article is unbalanced in its perspective, biased towards selling coffee.

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