Friday, February 21

8 Surprising Causes of Hair Loss

hair loss
Photo by Alliance Images From Shutterstock

#4 A Stressful Lifestyle

The onset of a severe level of stress, like getting sick or having surgery that is demanding on the mind and body can lead to hair loss. When someone has acute telogen effluvium (hair loss caused by stress), up to 70% of their hair follicles enter a resting (telogen) condition, as opposed to the estimated 10% to 20% that do so normally.

For example, you might be surprised to find out that stress can induce more hair loss in the case of COVID-19 instead of the illness itself. Additionally, hair loss is also common after a fever or generally when recovering from an illness.

Trauma on an emotional level might result in acute telogen effluvium. Major emotional stress can sabotage the regular cycle of hair growth when you’re coping with something such as a breakup or divorce, unemployment or other financial difficulties, the loss of a house, or a loved one’s death. This kind of hair loss often only lasts a short while, and after stress is managed, normal hair growth normally returns.

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