Monday, March 24

3 Types of Cancer Seniors Often Don’t Feel

types of cancer
Image By Peakstock From Shutterstock

Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is not going to cause any symptoms that can be seen in the early stages, since the masses are still small, and only as the disease progresses will it start to showcase some signs, which are common enough with other diseases or seemingly unthreatening that they are overlooked.

In the United States, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has reported that back in 2021, kidney cancer made up about 4% of all new cancers diagnosed back in 2021, with more than 76,000 new cases that year.

The most common ways in which doctors figure out there may be something wrong with your kidneys are either through a physical exam or when analyzing a complete blood count.

If caught early, when the cancer is localized on only one kidney, the survival rate is high with the appropriate treatment plan.

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