Saturday, February 22

9 Cancer Symptoms to Pay Attention To

cancer, cancer symptom
Photo by Chinnapong from

Abdominal pain

A common cancer symptom could be simple abdominal pain, especially when we are talking about stomach tumor symptoms! Unfortunately, a lot of stomach cancer patients confess that they mistook such a touchy issue for a common stomach virus. Living with persistent pain in the abdomen or even simple discomfort is not something to take lightly!

A lot of stomach cancer patients also said they felt full in the upper part of the abdomen even after eating small meals, which would generally not cause such a feeling. The warning signs are even bigger if you generally don’t have issues with bloating or you get sudden abdominal pains. You should always listen to the signs your stomach gives you!

1 thought on “9 Cancer Symptoms to Pay Attention To”

  1. People with asthma, COPD or GERD (acid reflux) can also have a chronic cough. But I agree if you cough up blood, or if the cough changes and get a lot worse, something is definitely up and you should see a doctor.

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