Saturday, February 22

9 Cancer Symptoms to Pay Attention To

cancer symptoms
IMage By fizkes From Shutterstock


It is normal to find yourself tired and exhausted when you have had a hectic week, where you ended up being stressed and anxious most of the time. Especially if you know that the next week is going to be just as hectic or even worse! However, if you know that you aren’t dealing with extra stress or there is no reason for you to feel so fatigued, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

This is a common cancer symptom that gets swept under the rug, especially if you have other causes that could lead to extreme tiredness. Yet, when it becomes atypical and you cannot explain why you are so tired constantly (be it due to diet, exercise, depression, or other medical conditions) and it has been persisting for weeks, you should definitely look into it with your doctor. It is a symptom of various types of cancer, and you should discover it as soon as possible.

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1 thought on “9 Cancer Symptoms to Pay Attention To”

  1. People with asthma, COPD or GERD (acid reflux) can also have a chronic cough. But I agree if you cough up blood, or if the cough changes and get a lot worse, something is definitely up and you should see a doctor.

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