Friday, February 21

The ‘Male Menopause’ Epidemic: 6 Warning Signs You Should Know

Photo by Ahmet Misirligul from Shutterstock

Warning sign no. 5: Hot flashes and hair loss

Hormonal changes produce hot flashes in both men and women. Hot flashes occur as a result of testosterone’s effect on the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus regulates sleep, hunger, libido, and body temperature. It’s called the “body’s thermostat” for a good reason, and hot flashes come up when it gets the incorrect signal that it’s “too hot.”

The brain then transmits messages to the rest of the body, pushing it to release the heat, which causes the heart to beat quicker and blood vessels to dilate. This is an extremely unpleasant problem for many men, but it is usually treatable with hormone replacement therapy.

Men frequently complain about hair loss, and there are several reasons and types of hair loss, such as andropause. Although hair loss is not associated with the same serious physical consequences as other andropause symptoms, it can have a substantial influence on confidence and self-esteem. As a result, dealing with andropause-related hair loss might affect one’s mental well-being.

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