Tuesday, December 24

The 4 Most Common Causes of Insomnia and How to Deal With Them

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Photo by Alliance Images From Shutterstock

#1 Stress

A significant response in the body brought on by stress might make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Work, school, and relationships can all cause this stress response. Chronic stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, can be caused by exposure to distressing experiences.

Hyperarousal is a physiological reaction to stress that can also be driven by intense mental stimulation. It may become progressively more difficult to interrupt the pattern of stress and insomnia since sleeplessness itself may become a source of stress.

Researchers think that certain people are more prone to sleep issues caused by chronic stress. They are thought to have high “sleep reactivity,” which is connected to various conditions that interfere with their sleep and their physical and mental well-being.

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1 thought on “The 4 Most Common Causes of Insomnia and How to Deal With Them”

  1. Berl Jay Hubbell

    I am 76 years old. I had triple by-pass surgery in July of 2019 in which my esophagus was damaged when they had to inject a breathing tube since my lungs were being by-passed. Then I have had three major disabling strokes. I seemed to be recovering and I had another stroke that has made me re-dependent on my walker. The insomnia was evident while I was in the hospital so they gave me narcotic level prescription. Eventually I stopped that and switched to a variety of OTC supplements especially Melatonin.

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