Thursday, September 5

10 Reasons Why Your Cold May Not Go Away

heart problems
Photo by Dragana Gordic from Shutterstock

9. You may have acid reflux

A bad taste in your mouth that’s accompanied by hoarseness and a dry cough can indicate a digestive disease known as acid reflux. According to the National Institutes of Health, reflux is quite common—about 20% of American adults are dealing with it, and that number is only rising.

Symptoms include nausea, regurgitation, burping, and heartburn, which often worsen after spicy or heavy meals when you’re lying down. Acid reflux can also occur if you regularly take anti-inflammatory pain medications like ibuprofen.

Treatment with antacid medications can help you cope with acid reflux, but a medical evaluation is necessary if symptoms linger for more than a few weeks.

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