Saturday, March 29

5 Changes I Noticed After 30 Days Without Fast Food

My diet was a mess lately, and I decided to set a challenge for myself: 30 days without fast food. Here’s how it went:

I grew up in a family that cooked a lot—every single week my parents would make a huge batch of soup and a couple of staples that we could then mix and match to create different dishes. They were meal-prepping without actually knowing about the term. I had those folks who would say “we have food at home” every time I saw the huge lines of people waiting to indulge in the crispy strips from KFC.

Things changed when I went to college far away from Utah, and I didn’t have time to cook. There were too many classes I wanted to take, and I also had to get a job to support myself. And that’s when it hit me: I’m no longer under my parents’ roof, so I can eat whatever I want. As you can imagine, I would eat KFC crispy strips with fries and their incredible garlic dip. I’m crazy about garlic, so combining my favorite items into a wonderful but not healthy meal made sense.

30 days without fast food
Photo by Siarhei Kuranets from Shutterstock

What happened afterward?

I have been eating fast food approximately five times a week for the past decade. Everything was good until I noticed that I gained 30 pounds in 2 years. Might not seem like much for some people, but I’m 5 feet tall, and it puts a lot of pressure on my joints. I also started to feel sick and constantly bloated. My skin started to act up, my hair lost its shine, and regardless of how many burgers, crispy strips, chicken nuggets, or Chipotle bowls I would order, I wasn’t satisfied.

And that’s when it hit me: let’s try 30 days without fast food. Might sound simple, but it wasn’t, considering that I would bring a bag of burgers home and call it dinner. This challenge was for me and my bloated body. You could see it in my face, legs, arms, and belly. I was tired even after climbing to the 4th floor, and I would constantly crave junk food. It was time for a change. And I did it!

The 30 days without fast food challenge

The entire idea of this challenge was pretty simple: say goodbye to all the things I enjoyed eating for 30 days. And that also included dessert and snacks from my favorite junk food restaurants. I started cooking, just like my parents taught me, and I was surprised to notice that I had more energy and I felt satisfied after each meal.

The first days weren’t exactly easy, switching from French fries with garlic dip to a salad with olive oil and lemon dressing, but once I got the hang of it, I came across a couple of food bloggers and Instagrammers who shared their meal ideas. I was hooked. They looked so good and colorful that I knew I needed to distract myself with something pretty.

So, long story short, the rules for this 30 days without fast food challenge were pretty simple: no junk food, cook at home, say goodbye to packaged snacks and meals, and if you crave something, like burgers and fries, make them at home. That’s it. But, I know you probably want to see how I did and how it made me feel, so here are all the changes I noticed after 30 days:

feel less bloated, 30 days without fast food
Photo by MilanMarkovic78 from

I felt less bloated

When you feed your body with processed foods, you’re more likely to feel bloated all the time. You might have stomach aches and moments when you’re sluggish without even knowing why you feel this way.

A few days after I started my challenge of 30 days without fast food, I felt like a sudden weight left my body. I was eating more fiber and I was regular with no. 2 (sorry for the TMI), but it’s important to mention. I was also focusing more on eating veggies and lean proteins, so I was naturally feeding my body with delicious things that made me feel good.

I don’t want this to turn into a weight loss article, but I lost 7 pounds in 30 days. It was all water weight, probably, but I felt so much lighter and better. I didn’t know how much of a role diet plays in your life until I noticed that it wasn’t that hard to climb the stairs.

However, eating healthier and more home-cooked meals made me drink more water and fresh smoothies, so I hit the bathroom way more than usual. The first few days weren’t easy at all, but after 10 days, those crispy strip cravings left me. Maybe that’s because I learned how to make them at home without oil and preservatives and the air frier was a major help. I couldn’t recommend this gadget enough, so if you want one, check it out here!

My skin cleared up

I didn’t have that many skin problems to begin with, but I can’t say it was clear. I would get a blemish here and there once a month, and it would take a few days to be gone. But the thing that annoyed me the most was that I had several blackheads on my nose and I was very puffy.

Two weeks into my 30 days without fast food challenge, I noticed that many of my blackheads were gone and my face looked better, almost as it did when I was in college. I was shocked that I would see so many changes after only two weeks. The puffiness went down in my face and body at the same time, and since I was eating home-cooked meals, my skin was glowing from within, and I felt prettier.

My cravings were gone

I couldn’t believe that my cravings were gone. A clean diet is real, and I can proudly say that’s exactly how I felt throughout the month. I had more energy and I was even tempted to try home workouts or walk more instead of driving to places.

I started walking up excited for my morning omelet or a fruit smoothie with baby spinach. I won’t lie, I wanted to eat fries a few times, but I made them in the air fryer and paired them with a garlic dip made from Greek yogurt, parsley, Provence herbs, lemon juice, olive oil, and of course, garlic. I even tried making crispy strips, Chipotle bowls, burgers, and so many other things at home. I didn’t care about eating the fast food things because my versions were even better, didn’t bloat me, and also helped me save a ton of money.

This 30 days without fast food challenge helped me become more present within my body, cravings, and thoughts. Believe it or not, I even started craving salmon with brown rice and asparagus for lunch or my Caesar salad for dinner.

mushroom coffee, 30 days without fast food
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock

My mood improved

Besides all of these incredible benefits plus learning how to cook healthy, tasty, and nutritious foods, my mood was significantly better. I didn’t have headaches anymore; I slept like a baby each night and woke up feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

I’m quite moody, and I can easily get cranky, but consuming lots of veggies, greens, fruits, and proteins balanced my hormones and made me feel better throughout the day. Take it from me: food can really affect your daily life, turning you into a more positive or crankier person.

I ate fast food after 30 days

As you can tell, I felt very good throughout the challenge, so I wanted to see if it was only a temporary sensation or if it was the new me. On the 1st day after my “cleanse”, I went to a KFC drive though and got some crispy strips, fries, dip, and a little dessert.

The taste was good, and the texture was just as I remember it, but it was really hard to finish the meal. I was only halfway in when I felt like my stomach was full and I didn’t need to eat anymore. I took the rest of the food home and had it for dinner, but I can’t say I felt great. I was bloated the entire day and I all wanted to do was take a nap. The next day I woke up normally and I needed a 30-minute walk to get my digestion moving and get back to normal.

….So, was it worth it? Not really.

My final thoughts…

After my 30 days without fast food challenge, I can confidently say I don’t crave junk meals anymore. I feel better, happier, stronger, more relaxed, and more satisfied than ever. I won’t say I’m not going to KFC or McDonald’s ever again, but I won’t rely on it for my everyday meals. If you don’t believe me, I dare you to try it for yourself, and you’ll be shocked!

I hope my story inspired you to make healthier choices. It’s not about losing weight or getting clear skin, but it’s about feeling good in your own body and having the energy to support the lifestyle you want to have. If you have any further questions regarding my short journey, I would love to chat with you in the comment section below! Don’t forget to take care of yourself! You deserve it!

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to check out something else from Healthy Reads, here’s a post you won’t want to miss: 4 Hidden Side Effects of High Blood Pressure Meds

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