7 Delicious Alternatives to Coffee (That You Should Try Today) 

coffee, alternatives
Photo by fotodoroga from Envato Elements

1. Matcha tea

The first alternative to coffee is the traditional Japanese beverage called matcha tea. And if you haven’t tried it yet, trust me, you’re going to love it! You drink the entire leaf, unlike typical green tea. As a result, you’re receiving an antioxidant source that is considerably more concentrated. A large portion of matcha’s purported health advantages are linked to EGCG, and if you regularly consume it (at least three times per week or one cup per day), you’ll be able to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure.

Moreover, it has been medically proven that matcha protects our liver, our heart, and most importantly, boosts brain function capacity! Now that’s good news indeed. A lot of people who are actively trying to lose weight are drinking one cup of matcha per day.

Depending on your personal preferences, you can drink the beverage hot or cold, mixed with milk and a tad of honey for a sweet and clean taste. Yummy! pssst! This amazing jar of matcha is on sale on Amazon. I’ve already ordered it. Did you?

Have you ever tried matcha before? If so, tell us in the comment section what your opinion is about it. I am eager to hear from you.

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