Saturday, October 5

6 Surprising Caffeine Benefits You Didn’t Know

If you love drinking your cup of java in the morning, you have to read about all these amazing caffeine benefits!

The sweet sound of my coffee machine doing its job convinces me to fully open my eyes and start a new day. I just love spending a few quiet minutes in the morning, either alone or with my partner, chatting about funny things and enjoying our delicious coffees.

If you’re like me and you can’t start your day without your cup of joy, you’ll be happy to hear about these caffeine benefits. Whether it’s coffee, tea, matcha, or any other soft drinks and energy beverages, they’re all rich in caffeine. While this can indeed cause health problems, especially if you overindulge, it can also protect your body and mind from particular issues.

In today’s article we’ll only focus on the positive aspects, so if you want to know how your daily cup of java helps your body and mind, keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the miraculous caffeine benefits!

caffeine benefits
Image By VictoriaArt From Shutterstock

1. Pain control

Did you know that caffeine can help you manage pain better? There’s a good reason why over-the-counter pain relievers combine aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen with caffeine. For some people, these combinations are more effective than the painkiller alone.

Medicines like this are typically marketed as treatments for menstrual cramps or headaches, but a dose of caffeine is helpful for many other types of pain. This topic was of interest to many researchers, and during a study that was published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2015, experts found that 100 mg of caffeine combined with a single dose of 200 milligrams (mg) of ibuprofen was much more successful than a placebo in relieving postoperative and migraine pain over six hours.

While you can’t find this drug combination in a commercial product, you can achieve the same effect by taking a moderately strong cup of java with 200 mg of ibuprofen. However, even if one of the greatest caffeine benefits is pain control, this might not be suitable for you, especially if you suffer from particular health issues. Always consult your doctor before trying new treatments or combining medications, as doing so without guidance could potentially be harmful. Your health and safety should always come first.

2. Lower skin cancer risk

Is there someone who isn’t afraid of cancer? Probably not. The good news is that experts discovered caffeine can be a great aid in lowering your risk of skin cancer. Researchers discovered a fascinating connection between caffeine and skin cancer. After a 2012 study, researchers found that people who consumed more caffeine had a lower risk of developing basal cell carcinoma.

But that’s not all. Two other studies linked higher caffeine intake to a reduced risk of melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. While these findings are promising, the Skin Cancer Foundation reminds us that other factors might also be at play. Even though there are incredible caffeine benefits, it doesn’t mean you should start drinking more just to keep cancer at bay. Don’t forget that a healthy lifestyle, which includes good and nutritious foods and daily movement, is one of the best and simplest ways to avoid health issues.

doctor, cancer symptom, hearing, memory loss in seniors, caffeine benefits
Photo by LightField Studios From Shutterstock

3. Improve your memory

Your daily cup of coffee makes you feel awake, happy, and ready to take on the day. Still, one of the most incredible benefits of caffeine is better memory and executive functioning. During an observation study published in July 2015 in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, researchers discovered that healthy older adults who were in their 70s and drank moderate amounts of coffee were better at organizing, planning, and time management.

Experts wanted to know more about these incredible caffeine benefits, so they performed a mice study that had stunning results. According to data, caffeine might help treat Alzheimer’s disease, which is fantastic news for patients and coffee enthusiasts.

4. Better workout sessions

Let’s continue with these caffeine benefits because you’ll be impressed by the end of this article. I don’t know about you, but I already crave a cup of java. Speaking of that, drinking a good coffee before you head to the gym or rolling out your mat in your living room for a quick sweat session could power up your workout.

In a trial, which was published in December 2014 in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 19 healthy senior citizens between the ages of 61 and 79 who consumed the equivalent of two cups of filtered coffee or four cups of instant coffee right before working out were found to be more capable of giving their workout their all compared to those who didn’t receive a caffeine boost. And that’s not all: they also did better on exercises like a six-minute walk and arm curls. The doctors responsible for the study observed that even their hand dexterity has improved.

experiencing pain due to heart disease, caffeine benefits
Photo by Photo_imagery from Shutterstock

5. Keep your heart healthy

Before you think about brewing an extra cup of coffee, you need to read this thing: when consumed in moderation (around three to a maximum of four cups of caffeinated coffee a day), your delicious beverage can help you lower the risk of developing coronary artery disease and stroke.

While there is indeed too much of a good thing, researchers discovered that drinking caffeinated coffee doesn’t seem to increase your risk of developing atrial fibrillation, which is the most popular type of irregular heart rhythm. According to doctors, caffeine is probably one of the components in coffee that reduces the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke.

However, to get all of these amazing caffeine benefits, you have to follow the recommended daily intake. Too much caffeine, whether from coffee, tea, matcha, or energy drinks, can make you feel jittery and anxious, so don’t overdo it, especially if you’re diagnosed with certain health conditions. Your safety always comes first, so talk to your doctor if you’re unsure of how much caffeine you can have in a day.

6. Lower the risk of colon cancer recurrence

If you suffer from colon cancer or know someone who does and also loves coffee, they’ll be pleased to hear that drinking caffeinated coffee regularly can help lower their risk of tumor recurrence and death from the disease.

In an observational study, experts found that patients with advanced (stage 3) colon cancer who drank around four cups of caffeinated coffee daily had lower chances of experiencing a recurrence of the disease or dying from it. Even those who constantly drink around two or three cups a day seemed to reap some of the same benefits but to a lesser degree.

If you don’t believe these caffeine benefits are that impressive, keep reading, because there’s more to the story. During another observational study in 2016, experts said that drinking coffee can be associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer, and the more coffee consumed, the lower the risk. But as we’ve previously said, it’s important to talk to your doctor about how much coffee you’re able to safely drink in a day.

Speaking of caffeine benefits, if you’re looking for a great coffee that will make your mornings and afternoons better and more delicious, check out this product! How much coffee do you drink in a day? Did you know about any other caffeine benefits you could get from drinking your daily cup of java? Let us know in the comments below!

If you enjoyed discovering all of these incredible benefits and would like to check out something else from Healthy Reads, here’s a good post for you: 10 Foods You Should Never Eat As Leftovers

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