Wednesday, March 12

8 Things That Happen to Your Body While You Sleep

Photo by FotoDuets From Shutterstock

#8 Your Body Temperature Changes

Your entire body is affected by the changes that occur in the brain while you sleep. This happens as a result of your sympathetic nervous system relaxing. Your respiration slows down, your pulse pressure drops, and your body temperature decreases as a result.

In fact, during REM sleep, the cells in your brain that control body temperature turn off. This indicates that a few hours prior to waking up, your body temperature hits its lowest point. Your body partially awakens itself in the morning with an eventual increase in body temperature.

Make sure your bedroom is cold at night to help your body understand that it is indeed time to rest. This is one approach to aiding your ability to fall asleep.

Our bodies can tell us a lot of important things. If you want to know more, you should also check out: 7 Fingernail Signs You Might Have a Serious Illness

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