Thursday, September 19

People Ignore These 10 Cancer Symptoms Until It’s Too Late

Photo by Stanislav71 from

7. Unusual lumps 

Some experts say that in more rare and severe cases, unusual bumps, lumps, or swelling can be a sign that there is something that needs to be treated beneath the skin. Bumps that are linked to cancer are usually hard, large, and painless to the touch. However, they appear spontaneously and might grow in size in just a matter of weeks or months.

If you have any masses or lumps and you have no idea how you ended up with them, call your health care provider. Lymph nodes typically get swollen when you have a cold, but if the swelling is still there even after you’ve been well for quite a while, the best thing you could be doing is talking to a doctor.

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4 thoughts on “People Ignore These 10 Cancer Symptoms Until It’s Too Late”

  1. Three years ago I was diagnosed with stomach cancer, until the moment I could no longer swallow anything without it coming right back up there were no symptoms or signs that I had cancer. I guess my point is that cancer can be pretty sneaky if it wants to be. I underwent chemo and radiation, have been in remission for two years.

  2. I was 24. I was required to take a pap smear to get birth control pills. Once it came up class 3. They advised me to see a Dr. He too did a test and advised me to take a dnc and conization if it came up Cancer. When I went in the hospital it came back positive for Cancer. Afterwards he suggested pap smears for 10 years. He also advised me to have another child before I couldn’t have one. I got pregnant after 5 years my pap smears have been clear. I caught early, which didn’t lead to a hysterectomy

  3. Cancer is hard to find and sneaks up on a person. I have lung cancer, stage 1 found early and had radiation. I am not a smoker, not around smoking, and luckily it was found by chance. I also had breast cancer 30 years ago which was also found early. I had extensive surgery for that and so far, so good.

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