Saturday, October 5

Can’t Sleep? Here are 6 Reasons Why!

Photo by Gorodenkoff from

Why is it important?

With how fast-paced society is, rest is even more important than it used to be a few years ago! This is because, compared with other times, there are more things to distract us. There are so many new technologies and experiences vying for our attention, not to mention a lot of people end up neglecting sleep in favor of work, social time, entertainment, and even doing chores.

We are always doing something that we neglect. Rest shouldn’t be treated as a luxury; in order for our bodies and minds to work properly, we need to sleep and recover overnight. It has been proven that while we are in a state of slumber, our body is not only restoring energy and maintaining its normal functions but also in the process of repairing muscle tissue, and our brains take that time to process new information.

Sleep is vital for our lives and well-being, and this is why, when we end up not being able to do it, it impacts both our quality of life and health. Without it, you can end up not being able to focus and react in time, think clearly, or even control your emotions. which can lead to very serious problems both in your personal life and at your workplace.

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