Friday, September 27

Long COVID Can Last 2 Years – Here Are The Signs You Have It

sore bones, cold
Photo by Kmpzzz from Shutterstock

5. Muscle Pain

Muscle pains and aches are described as “myalgia.” It can involve your tendons, soft tissues, and ligaments. People usually complain about aches in their backs, necks, shoulders, and knees.

You may have experienced myalgia during your infection, or it may have settled in the week after you were ill. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, myalgia is one of the most common symptoms of long COVID. You may find it hard to climb stairs, stand up, lift your arms above your head, or grip items with your hands.

These problems aren’t serious and will get better. You can help your recovery by taking better care of your muscles and managing your pain. If the pain is stopping you from completing a certain task, pace yourself and try again later. Relaxing will also reduce the stress of pain, while regular, enjoyable exercise will make you feel better.

If problems get worse, talk to your GP or a physiotherapist that treats muscle pain.

4 thoughts on “Long COVID Can Last 2 Years – Here Are The Signs You Have It”

  1. Shirline Andrews

    I just want to say “THANK YOU” for your continual free information on many topics especially Covid. You put FAITH back in the hands of the people and it is much appreciated. I have been following you for many years along with others that offer great information. God Bless you and all others that follow your path. Thank you once again!!

  2. Carolyn Archer

    Since I got the booster shots almost a year ago, my taste of food is altered to the point that if you blindfolded me and asked what I was eating, I wouldn’t know. How much longer must I wait until this corrects itself?

  3. Since having the Covid shots (2) the last one in February, 2021,I have had to lean to walk again (this being with the help of a walker), kidney problems, and 24/7 care. I can’t work, cook, wash clothes, shop, housework, etc. Will I ever be able to do these things again?
    I’ve had two doctors tell me they believe my medical conditions are due to reaction to Covid-19 vaccine.
    I would call this Long Covid! And with no hope of getting better and no one to blame.

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