9 Common Exercises You Should AVOID

Photo by Studio Romantic from Shutterstock

Barbell Jump Squats

If you want to tone your glutes and legs, weighted plyometric exercises such as the barbell jump squat might be the first ones to pop your mind. However, when you’re using a barbell in such exercises, you might be tricked into adding too much weight, which will only put more pressure on your back and joints, as Cheng explained.

To harness strength in those muscles that you want to focus on, you might want to try bodyweight squat jumps, box jumps, and dumbbell jump squats instead. Only mastering the bodyweight jump squat or changing the placement of the weight will make a great difference in the way you move, and it will save you a lot of pain.

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5 thoughts on “9 Common Exercises You Should AVOID”

  1. I think instead of parties continuously fighting themselves, blaming the other, wasting time on irrelevent issues that mean nothing to the welfare of its citizens. Stop trying to raise retirement age, the underprivileged work hard enough trying to get there. LEAVE YOUR HANDS OUT OF IT, STOP USEING IT FOR YOUR DOWNFALLS.

  2. Saying that crunches is bad, and that people can build a strong core without doing exercises that target the abs is flat out wrong. Very bad advice. Crunches are one of the most important exercises a person can do. Do most people do them perfectly? No. Still they’re incredibly valuable, because at the end of the day, supporting your core is one of the most important outcomes of any exercise regimen. I like having bigger biceps , but that’s all just for looks!

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