Wednesday, July 3

6 Subtle Signs of Calcium Deficiency in Seniors

Heart Problems, heart failure
Photo by Syda Productions at Shutterstock

4. Your Heart Rhythm Is Off

Calcium also plays a key role in cardiovascular health. For instance, an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia in medical terms) is a common sign of low calcium levels in your blood. In fact, according to a publication in Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology, arrhythmia is a leading cause of sudden cardiac death.

Since the heart is a muscle that also needs calcium to function properly, its cells cease to work as they should, which can trigger spasming of the heart muscle, as a 2018 article published in Frontiers in Physiology shows.

Moreover, calcium deficiency can make your blood vessels become constricted, resulting in an irregular heart rhythm. It’s important to note that cardiovascular symptoms can have several root causes, which is why only a calcium blood test will tell if it’s hypocalcemia that triggers them.

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