Thursday, December 19

3 Types of Cancer Seniors Often Don’t Feel

Did you know there are types of cancer that people do not feel?

No one wants to think about the types of cancer that could come over you, but they are not as uncommon as some may think.

In the case of older adults and seniors, there are many things that could end up not being seen as fast, and some of which have such common symptoms that until you manage to catch them, they are going to be in an advanced state.

While this can sound scary, it is not something that you should fear and also not something that should stop you from taking care of your health.

Knowing which type of cancer tends to be silent and come seemingly out of nowhere can help you to know what to get screened for, especially if there has been a history of cancer in your family.

This can give you the chance to catch it before it becomes too advanced, and since you can get an early diagnosis, you can hope to curb this dreaded disease before it can sink its claws too deep into you.

Did you know about these silent types of cancer before? Have you ever had to deal with this disease? Share your answers and stories in the comments!

types of cancer
Image By Peakstock From Shutterstock

Pancreatic cancer

The pancreas, located in the abdomen, has a double function, as an endocrine gland and as an integral part of the digestive system.

As an endocrine gland, the pancreas is in charge of regulating blood sugar levels and secreting a couple of important hormones, namely glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. As part of the digestive system, it has an exocrine gland-like function, secreting pancreatic juice, which aids in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Since the pancreas is such an important part of the body, any inflammation of the organ should start to ring alarm bells. The most common ways in which you can get your pancreas inflamed (also known as developing pancreatitis) are chronic alcohol usage and gallstones.

If you have or are at risk of developing chronic pancreatitis, know that it can be a segue towards developing pancreatic cancer, which is one that has some of the lowest survival rates. This is because it ends up being detected only after it has started to spread away from the pancreas.

The symptoms are subtle, and while they only end up being noticed when the disease has started to evolve, it does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to them. Some of the symptoms that can arise include:

  • lower back pain;
  • jaundice (yellowing skin and eyes);
  • loss of appetite;
  • blood clots (most often seen in legs, which as a result end up causing pain, redness, and swelling);
  • unintentional weight loss;
  • depression;
  • itchy skin;
  • abdominal pain that can radiate toward the back;
  • light-colored or greasy stools;
  • nausea;
  • dark or brown urine;
  • vomiting.

Likewise, pancreatic cancer, when it starts to show symptoms, can also end up affecting blood sugar levels. This can end up worsening a preexisting diabetes diagnosis or can make you develop diabetes as a result of the cancer.

However, know that pancreatic cancer is one of the most silent out there, and even at its most advanced stages, the symptoms and signs may be so subtle you may not catch them.

One thing to keep in mind with all of these silent types of cancer is that the symptoms listed can also be signs of less serious health concerns, and you should never jump to conclusions.

If you notice any symptoms or weird body manifestations, you should always make an appointment to talk to a specialist as soon as possible.

types of cancer
Image By 19 STUDIO From Shutterstock

Lung cancer

In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cause when it comes to cancer deaths, and part of this is because the early symptoms are so subtle. Like with many, the earlier it gets diagnosed, the better the possible outcomes and vaster the treatment options.

The reason why lung cancer is so dangerous outside of the silent initial symptoms is because it can easily spread to other parts of the body. This is also why the treatment options are so varied depending on how far the cancer has spread and the stage they have reached.

It can happen that early-stage lung cancer does not cause any symptoms. Likewise, when they start to manifest, it can be that they are unexpected, especially when it comes to the lungs.

Indeed, one of the symptoms is shortness of breath, but back pain can occasionally accompany it.

The reason why back pain is named as a frequent symptom is because it occurs when there are tumors in your lungs that cause pressure in your lungs, causing the pain, or it can be a sign that the cancer has spread to the ribs and spinal cord.

Other early lung cancer symptoms to keep an eye out for include:

  • a cough that lingers or worsens;
  • hoarseness;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • wheezing;
  • chest pain that gets worse when taking deep breaths, coughing, or laughing;
  • coughing up blood or phlegm;
  • sudden weight loss and loss of appetite.

Keep in mind that these symptoms are also some that can occur when it comes to other diseases, and you should not jump to the conclusion that you have cancer the moment you start to have any of the mentioned symptoms.

Some of the symptoms that appear more frequently that people end up overlooking include hoarseness and a frequent cough.

It is imperative to see the doctor when you start to exhibit these types of symptoms so they can do a physical exam to determine the cause. If needed, the doctor will also order some imaging tests and, if you produce phlegm due to the cough, a microscopic exam of the sputum.

Some of the treatment options for lung cancer include the likes of radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, with some newer treatments also including targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

types of cancer
Image By Peakstock From Shutterstock

Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is not going to cause any symptoms that can be seen in the early stages, since the masses are still small, and only as the disease progresses will it start to showcase some signs, which are common enough with other diseases or seemingly unthreatening that they are overlooked.

In the United States, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has reported that back in 2021, kidney cancer made up about 4% of all new cancers diagnosed back in 2021, with more than 76,000 new cases that year.

The most common ways in which doctors figure out there may be something wrong with your kidneys are either through a physical exam or when analyzing a complete blood count. If caught early, when the cancer is localized on only one kidney, the survival rate is high with the appropriate treatment plan.

Unless the cancer is detected early through the two methods we have mentioned earlier, the symptoms that kidney cancer exhibits happen when there has already been progression and the mass is growing. The ones you should be on the lookout for include:

  • low back pain;
  • returning and almost constant back pain, more often localized just below the ribs;
  • anemia;
  • sudden, unexplained weight loss;
  • recurring fevers;
  • blood in the urine;
  • fatigue
  • a lump on your lower back or side.

The good news about kidney cancer is that while the incidence of this type of cancer seems to be increasing from one year to another, the NCI also reports that there has been a steady decrease in the number of deaths associated with it.

Early detection, along with newer forms of treatment, is thought to be part of the reasoning behind the higher survival rate.

If you want to know how you can aid a cancer battle through your diet, make sure you read: Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes.

Before you think that only certain people end up getting cancer or that you have to be older to suffer from these types of cancer you cannot feel, think again! There are cases even of famous people who have suffered from these and no one knew it! If you want to see which celebrities battled cancer, check them out here!

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