Tuesday, March 11

6 Natural Remedies to Combat Radiation Exposure

Fight Radiation with These Natural Remedies to Detoxify Your Body

Let’s have a discussion about natural remedies that can help your body eliminate radiation. So, whether you’re undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy, which often involves radiation, or you’re looking for ways to protect yourself in case of a disaster, this information can really be a valuable game-changer.

With famous ongoing radiation leaks from places like Fukushima and a constant global threat of nuclear conflict, we need to know what to do in case a disaster strikes. Educating yourself about what happens when a nuclear event occurs can actually make the difference between life and death for you and those around you.

Iodine tablets are the commonly known aid for such cases; however, let’s examine other natural supplements that can be a real help in cases of radiation exposure.

radiation exposure
Photo source: AI Gemini

Types of Radiation

Radiation has serious effects on our bodies, especially when it comes to long-term exposure, and it increases the risk of cancer. If you want to dive deeper into this topic, you can check out Cresson Kearney’s Nuclear War Survival Skills series. They offer a wealth of free and downloadable information on how to protect yourself. It’s crucial to understand the different types of exposure in case of emergencies involving radiation.


When you come in contact with radioactive materials, like liquid or dust, this is called contamination. It can affect you externally or internally, and it leads to poisoning and health risks.


Irradiation occurs when a person or an object is exposed to radiation without the material itself being radioactive. This can happen in the case of interaction with sources such as X-ray machines, blood transfusions, and cancer treatments. Irradiation can affect the whole body, and in high doses, it can lead to radiation sickness.


Radiation poisoning comes with a range of symptoms depending on the dose and duration of exposure, and here are some symptoms you should watch for. Nausea and vomiting are often the first signs in case of radiation exposure. They typically appear within a few hours of exposure to high doses.

Fatigue and weakness, manifested as a sense of extreme tiredness, often lead to difficulty in performing daily tasks. Hair loss can occur after some days or weeks of exposure. This particularly happens in case of higher levels of radiation. In the same way, as in the case in the suburbs, skin exposed to radiation can turn red, and it can even lead to burns in severe cases.

Moreover, in case of severe radiation exposure, people can face digestive problems, including vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea. Other symptoms, such as fever and chills, can develop as the body reacts to the radiation damage. Blood pressure can also drop and increase heart rate due to organs beginning to fail.

The most extreme cases can lead to internal bleeding, as radiation can cause blood vessels to weaken. High doses of radiation can also damage the tissues in the throat and mouth area, causing painful ulcers and difficulty swallowing. The brain can also be affected by severe exposure, with issues such as memory loss or confusion.

radiation exposure supplements
Photo by Bogdan Sonjachnyj from Shutterstock

These are 6 natural supplements that can help remove radiation from the body.

1. Calcium and magnesium

These are two minerals that can work together in blocking by over 90% the absorption of Strontium 90, a radioactive isotope. Studies have shown how calcium prevents the body from taking harmful substances, becoming a vital supplement in case of radiation exposure.

2. Zeolite Clay

This natural detoxifier becomes a powerhouse when it comes to combating radiation. It’s proven to be effective against Strontium 90 and Cesium 137, two of the most dangerous radioactive isotopes. It was used by the victims of the Chornobyl disaster, and it successfully aided in removing the radiation from the body.

Zeolites bind the radioactive particles together and carry them out of the body at the cellular level, detoxifying the system effectively.

The US military uses zeolite clay to line the floors of its weapon arsenals, preventing radiation exposure. This only speaks to the reliability and strength of zeolite in radiation protection. Internally, zeolite absorbs harmful toxins and helps clean the body from the inside out. It supports the immune system, promotes better digestion, and improves the detoxification process.

You can find Zeolite Powder on Amazon. Take a look. This one is for external use only and can be used for face and body masks due to its detoxifying properties.

3. Activated Charcoal

This substance is known to be useful for water purification, but it also plays a crucial role in reducing radiation exposure. It works by neutralizing radiation, preventing the toxic substances from being absorbed by binding to them. 10 grams of activated charcoal was proven to reduce 7 grams of harmful toxic substances.

Activated charcoal is a powerful detoxifier, absorbing and removing particles from the digestive system and preventing them from entering the bloodstream. It’s commonly used in emergency settings for poisoning due to its ability to absorb harmful substances.

It’s a great idea to include activated charcoal in your emergency preparedness kit to make sure you’re ready for any exposure, whether it is from medical treatments or environmental contamination. You can find it in both powder and capsule form, so it’s easy to incorporate them into your daily routine or just use them in case of emergency.

4. Bee Pollen

Already famous for its healing properties, bee pollen can reduce the harmful side effects of radiation. It’s used by those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, such as radium, x-rays, or cobalt-60 therapy. Bee pollen works by boosting vital functions in the body, like the production of white and red cells, strengthening the immune system by promoting antibody production. These functions are the ones that often get suppressed by radiation, both from environmental exposure and medical treatments.

Bee pollen can serve as a natural buffer against some of the most common side effects, like fatigue, weakness, and immune system suppression. Providing essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, it helps protect the body and promote recovery.

You can find it in a variety of forms, from granules to capsules or powder, so it can become an easy addition to your wellness routine. Whether you choose to use it as a part of a recovery plan or for your everyday health routine, bee pollen is an excellent supplement able to support your body’s natural healing process.

5. Chlorella

Chlorella is a powerful single-celled green algae that’s proven to be an excellent detoxifier, especially when it comes to removing radiation from the body. It works by binding to toxins, heavy metals, and radioactive particles, cleaning the tissues, and supporting the body’s natural detoxification process.

It’s incredibly effective in removing radiation, and it can be taken alongside other natural remedies mentioned, such as activated charcoal or zeolite clay, for a more comprehensive detox.

Being packed with nutrients such as chlorophyll, minerals, and vitamins, chlorella is able to boost the immune system and aid overall health. It can be taken as a tablet, capsule, or powder form, and by including it in your daily routine, it can enhance the body’s ability to eliminate harmful substances, and it supports recovery after being exposed to any sort of radiation.

oils in radiation exposure
Photo by tetxu from Shutterstock

6. Oils

Some oils, like extra virgin olive oil, hemp oil, or coconut oil, were used to help remove radiation from the body. The healthy fats found in these oils have been shown to bind to toxins and radioactive particles and assist in pulling them out of the system. These oils can also help strengthen cellular membranes and provide an added layer of protection for your cells.

By consuming 4 ounces of these oils, you can neutralize radiation, and it’s a real help in detoxifying the body. These oils facilitate the removal of harmful substances, and they reinforce the body’s tissues, making them more resilient against radiation’s effects.

They can be easily incorporated into a diet by introducing them in smoothies, by making them part of a meal, or simply by taking them directly. It can be an effective, natural way to detox and support your body after radiation exposure. They will help detoxify your body but also protect and nourish your cells.

If you found our article useful, read this one next: 7 Stress-Causing Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs

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