Sunday, March 16

10 Causes of Sudden Leg Weakness—No. 8 Is Very Common

stroke, covid, sudden leg weakness
Photo by comzeal images from Shutterstock

3. Stroke

You may think that a sudden leg weakness has nothing to do with a stroke, but they’re actually related. A stroke happens when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted because of a blockage or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. It can cause a sudden weakness or numbness in the face, legs, or arms.

Other symptoms and signs of stroke include difficulty speaking, sudden confusion, a sudden, severe headache, and an uneven smile or dropping of one side of the face.

If you or someone else is having a stroke, act quickly and call 911 or your local emergency services as soon as possible. Prompt treatment is crucial to recovering from a stroke. The risk of long-term complications reduces as soon as the patient receives medical attention.

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