Tuesday, March 4

10 Common Beverages You Should Avoid

Photo by Elena Veselova from shutterstock.com

6. Coffee drinks 

If you usually go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts and treat yourself to a creamy, sugary coffee, this might be the right moment to stop. Coffee can give you several health benefits, such as improved cognitive function, alertness, and putting you in a good mood.

This rule doesn’t apply if you indulge in cappuccinos with whip cream or frappuccinos that are packed with added sugar. Unless you make the conscious decision to consume this beverage as a dessert and only in moderation, you won’t benefit from the natural caffeine effect.

If you want to be alert, have more energy, and tackle all the things you have to do during the day, it’s best to stick to regular black coffee, without milk or sugar. If you can’t stand the taste of regular coffee, you can add a bit of dairy-free milk because it’s a healthier alternative.

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3 thoughts on “10 Common Beverages You Should Avoid”

  1. You missed it when you did not point out that 99.999% of sports drinks are loaded with sugar, which make them the first thing one should avoid. Next time don’t be afraid to offend the sports drink industry

  2. Organic Treo. That has been the best drink for me. Tried others for many, many, years. Strawberry flavor. Also, take a nitric oxide pill before a long workout and run. And of course water. For breakfast I eat a banana and peanut butter with a little bit of jelly(apricot or peach) with water. Been doing the peanut butter and banana for over twenty five years. Also drink a few sips of a Carnation Instant Beakfast mixed with non fat milk.

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