Thursday, March 6

3 Types of Cancer Seniors Often Don’t Feel

types of cancer
Image By fizkes From Shutterstock

Unless the cancer is detected early through the two methods we have mentioned earlier, the symptoms that kidney cancer exhibits happen when there has already been progression and the mass is growing. The ones you should be on the lookout for include:

  • low back pain;
  • returning and almost constant back pain, more often localized just below the ribs;
  • anemia;
  • sudden, unexplained weight loss;
  • recurring fevers;
  • blood in the urine;
  • fatigue
  • a lump on your lower back or side.

The good news about kidney cancer is that while the incidence of this type of cancer seems to be increasing from one year to another, the NCI also reports that there has been a steady decrease in the number of deaths associated with it.

Early detection, along with newer forms of treatment, is thought to be part of the reasoning behind the higher survival rate.

If you want to know how you can aid a cancer battle through your diet, make sure you read: Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes.

Before you think that only certain people end up getting cancer or that you have to be older to suffer from these types of cancer you cannot feel, think again! There are cases even of famous people who have suffered from these and no one knew it! If you want to see which celebrities battled cancer, check them out here!

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