Wednesday, March 19

11 Body Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore

body odor
Photo by antoniodiaz from

4. Musty breath 

If you ate a lot of garlic and eggs, it is understandable that your breath won’t be as fresh as you might want it to be. However, if you didn’t consume any of these things, but your breath smells musty or similar to rotten eggs, it might be trying to tell you something about your health.

In accordance to Marc S. Rabinowitz, MD, of Prevention First Healthcare, if your liver starts to malfunction when it comes to doing its job of detoxifying the blood, your breath can get musty and sour. This issue might report some serious diseases, such as cirrhosis.

A study in the Journal of Chromatography B discovered that cirrhosis of the liver can generally be symptom-free, but a bad and sour breath might be your earliest and also your best red flag.

…Did you know that this body odor can hide so many problems?

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