Wednesday, March 19

11 Body Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore

body odor
Photo by pathdoc from

Body Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Breath that smells like rotten eggs

If you respect good oral hygiene, which means that you brush your teeth daily, floss every night, and use mouthwash, you most likely have fresh breath.

However, if you do all these things mentioned above, but your breath still smells like rotten eggs, there is a possibility that you might have a bacterial infection.

According to several doctors, there is a common bacteria called H. pylori that can set up camp in your mouth and the one to blame is actually your digestive system.

There are people who can be infected with this, but don’t present any visible symptoms. On the other hand, there are more sensitive patients, who can develop things such as celiac disease, GERD, stomach ulcers, and even gastric cancer, in some extreme cases.

If you experience anything like this, make sure to seek out your doctor and get tested for this dangerous and annoying bug!

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