Wednesday, January 15

10 Body Parts You’re Washing Too Often

Photo by Svitlana Hulko from

4. Hair

Do you have the nasty habit of washing your hair more often than you should? If the answer is yes you might take into consideration that washing your hair too frequently may lead to dermatitis or a scalp condition. We know that most women for example are obsessed with their long hair, but how many times a week we can wash it? Depends on how oily it gets.

Do you know what else can happen to your hair if you wash it too often? It is prone to breakage! People with normal oil gland production can wash their hair almost daily, while others that have dry scalps should limit the washing to once or twice a week.

It might take a bit to get used to this routine, but you’ll manage to “teach” your hair a lesson.

5. Nose 

Many adults are guilty of nose-picking and this might not be the best idea since it can cause nosebleeds, swelling in the nose, and crusting. All this can lead to a serious issue which is more nose irritation. If your nose won’t decongest after blowing it in a handkerchief, then you might get a check-up with your doctor. They could prescribe you some saline sprays that could help you get rid of this problem.

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8 thoughts on “10 Body Parts You’re Washing Too Often”

  1. ZZZzzzzZZZzzzzzz! Quit washing and see a doctor when you develop chronic amped out body odor!

    I am for good hygiene and pass on the doctors. Works for ME!

    This timely advice brought to you by Feral Tomm.

  2. Someone is trying to sell product and doctors/Dentists visits.
    Brush your teeth 3 times a day. Floss and rinse after eating.
    Wash those pits and any body part that smells, or is dirty.
    Some people actually work hard, physically, get covered in dirt and grime and don’t have the luxury of
    staying dirty.
    Amish, however, work hard and wash once per week. Try driving a car load of them somewhere, with the windows closed. OK, Eventually you won’t notice the body odor.

  3. Born in 1950. Pescatarian 55 years. Shower once a week. Natural soap groin and armpits. Strong HOTTEST spray on whole face, head, and back, rubbing with hands till it’s just skin on skin. Strong rubbing bottom of feet and between toes with thick hand cloth. During week, when been hot and sweating, arm pits wiped with wet hand cloth works. Otherwise, never any b/o… not just my opinion.
    Always figured because of lack of animal meats, and mostly organic diet. Results: 25 vials/ over 100 blood work tests are Perfect blood. Heart MRI scan with 0 artery buildup. Specialist stated, “better than most 19 year olds”. My STRONG FAITH in Jesus all my life replacing fear/stress, and with conscious diet is my assumption I’m probably half my age physically. I’m out living almost all my lifelong Friends… and only have one relative left.
    C’est la vie. 🙏🏼✝️😇

  4. Everything on the body smells at some point for whatever reason so if you can smell yourself then other people can too, so wash it. You cant over wash your body unless you have some kind of OCD problem. We have bacteria that grows every day on our body, some of it good and some bad so it is important to clean your body pretty much all over to keep the growth of bacteria from forming and causing illness.

  5. I agree about not washing your hair every day. I have thick hair (lucky 85-year-old lady) and I wash it twice a week. It’s salt and pepper and looks shiny and whiter after a wash.

  6. Oh God I have to wash all over, but I never smell of anything in my groin even if I don’t wash for a few days no smell whatsoever and I’m happy with that…

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