Wednesday, March 12

10 Signs You’re Vitamin C Deficient

vitamin C
Photo by BEAUTY STUDIO from Shutterstock

6. Easy bruising

Bruises, also called contusions in medical terms, appear when blood vessels burst getting trapped below the skin’s surface. We’re not talking about those bruises that develop after bumping into different pieces of furniture from your house. Spontaneous bruises are actually the ones that should worry you.

If you spot bruises on your body and you don’t know where they come from, then you may be vitamin C deficient. These seemingly-innocent bruises appear because your body doesn’t produce enough collagen so your blood vessels become weak. Another thing to keep in mind is that deficiency-related bruises usually show up as little purple dots.

Do you bruise easily? If the answer is yes, then we recommend seeking medical advice because liver illness, alcohol addiction, and blood thinners can all have the same symptom.

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