Friday, March 14

10 Surprising Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

sweaty head
Photo by somdul from Shutterstock

10. Sweaty head

This is a common phenomenon among infants with vitamin D deficiency, but it can also occur in adults. When the human body doesn’t have enough amount of this nutrient, a person may experience hair and scalp sweating. This condition called hyperhidrosis in medical terms is caused by overstimulation of sweat glands and neuromuscular irritability.

You may notice a puddle on the pillow where you’ve been sleeping or sweat rings in your hat. While there may be other root causes of the sweaty head, this phenomenon is commonly associated with a vitamin D deficiency. If you’re experiencing this symptom, talk to your doctor to solve the issue.

If you’re interested in reading more about vitamins, here are 10 Signs You’re Vitamin C Deficient!

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5 thoughts on “10 Surprising Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency”

  1. what one needs is a good multivitamin as their are to many interactions but then the companies wouldn’t make so much money and since no one checks what’s in them you might be getting goat terds called smart pills. All symptoms noted are nonspecific requiring checking more than vitamin D.

    1. Great post and you posted on my birthday. Late afternoon nude sunbathing is also great. You are out of the midday sun and able to enjoy the sun’s rays on your skin. The sun is a great source of vitamin D.

  2. This is a main reason why I am a Naturist. A Naturist is one who practices nudism outdoors for the benefit of getting sunlight on the whole body as the sun is a natural source of vitamin D. To avoid sunburn and possible skin cancer, the best times are very early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Avoid the harmful rays of the midday sun.
    One nudist resort I go to allows me to be in the shade during the mid day where I also go swimming. As a precaution, I also use some sunscreen. Around 4:00 PM the sun has set enough where it is safe to sunbath nude and not get burned. Even better times are between 5 and 6:30 PM. Just enjoy the sun’s rays on your whole body. Your buttocks is the best place to get sun and much needed vitamin D.

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