Friday, March 14

Having These 6 Symptoms? You May Have a Serious Heart Problem

Photo by sitthiphong from Shutterstock


Here’s what the feeling of your heart racing actually means:

It’s a completely normal reaction of the body to respond to outside stimuli that create emotions with a higher heart rate and it normally lasts a few minutes. But if this happens very often and with no explanation, you should probably get checked for arrhythmia, a condition that is treatable and is very common among people of 60 and above.

If there isn’t enough oxygen transported to the heart, you may experience this feeling often described as your heart racing. This might create some sort of discomfort

Specialists often recommend using a device to store and monitor information, such as a smart bracelet that constantly keeps track of essential things such as: heart rate, blood pressure, and safety tracking features that send your location to a list of emergency contacts in case of an incident. This type of device can be life-changing and can save your life.

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4 thoughts on “Having These 6 Symptoms? You May Have a Serious Heart Problem”

  1. Patricia Palazzolo

    I so wish that articles like these would add “throat clearing” to “coughing” as a symptom of heart disease! Had I googled “coughing” instead of “constant throat clearing,” my husband might still be alive today. However, what my husband was doing in the months leading up to his “widow maker” heart attack did NOT sound like “coughing.” It was the “ahem ahem ahem” of throat clearing. Even the doctor dismissed it as kind of a tic or habit, since my husband was healthy and athletic . . . and I, reassured that my husband’s doctor did not seemed concerned, actually became annoyed at the sound. Googling “throat clearing” only brings up things like post nasal drip — and, sadly, not the serious situation of blood leaking back into the lungs, which is what was happening to my husband. He suffered a fatal heart attack while on a charity bike ride. Please — articles on “throat clearing” need to add “heart disease” as a possible cause and articles on heart disease need to list the symptom of concern as “coughing/throat clearing,” rather than just “coughing” so people can become aware.

    1. I am 76 and have had sinus problems for years, i clear my throat and cough all the time, so idk if one can say that indicates heart problems. thank you

  2. This article is very helpful. I’m constantly clearing my throat. My doctors associates the throat clearing to post nasal drip. The lymph nodes in my throat are always enlarged. I had a my enlarged tonsils removed hoping it would stop the throat clearing but it didn’t. Nothing seems to help with the constant clearing of my throat. I’m extremely concerned about it because I have a mild heart condition and a family history of heart attack and throat cancer. my doctors can’t explain why I have excess fluid around my heart.

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