6 Hidden Dangers Facing the NHS in 2025

hidden dangers facing the NHS in 2025
Photo by DC_Studio from Envato Elements

Digital technology’s development

The NHS must embrace new technologies as they become available because they enhance patient care and facilitate employee work. However, we must also ensure that technology does not exclude those who are most in need of NHS services, such as the elderly.

Flexibility and smart technology use are key, but the health care system also requires multiple access points to the same information.For the NHS to deliver efficient, patient-centered care, it must adjust to these changing demands.

The backlog

An NHS backlog of patients awaiting procedures and treatment has been made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. The backlog is the number of patients who have been delayed in receiving care because of the pandemic’s disruptions and resource limitations.

Because it affects patient outcomes, increases wait times, and places additional strain on healthcare providers, this backlog presents a serious challenge in 2025. More resources, more capacity, and creative ways to efficiently manage patient flow are needed to clear the queue.

Waiting lists are at an all-time high, and 2024 goals have been missed despite efforts like the elective backlog recovery plan (February 2022). Statistics from before the pandemic have also not been recovered in other areas, such as urgent cancer referrals and emergency care admissions.

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