Friday, March 28

10 Causes of Sudden Leg Weakness—No. 8 Is Very Common

leg weakness
Photo by okawa somchai from Shutterstock

5. Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is the damage to nerves in your body’s peripheral nervous system, which is a vast communication network that sends information from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. It can be caused by an infection, an injury, or several conditions, including hypothyroidism and diabetes.

Symptoms usually start with sudden leg weakness, but you can also feel tingling in your hands. The numbness can spread to other parts of your body. Other symptoms include sharp, lightning-like pain, pain that worsens at night, weakness, difficulty walking, and a burning or freezing sensation.

Treatment depends on the cause of the nerve damage and may start with treating an underlying condition. Different therapies and prescription medications are also available.

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