Friday, March 28

10 Causes of Sudden Leg Weakness—No. 8 Is Very Common

sudden leg weakness
Photo by staras from

2. Slipped disc

A slipped disc happens when the gel-like substance inside the shock-absorbing discs that cushion your vertebrae protrudes through a split in the exterior, causing pain. This can occur because of an injury or age-related degenerative changes in the spine.

When the slipped disc compresses a nearby nerve, it can cause numbness and pain along the affected nerve, often down your leg. Other symptoms include muscle weakness, a tingling or burning sensation in the affected area, and pain that’s worse when sitting or standing.

See a doctor if back or neck pain extends to other parts of your body and you experience symptoms like sudden leg weakness. Conservative treatment, which consists of physical therapy and rest, usually relieves symptoms within a few weeks.

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