Friday, March 28

Top 9 Things You Should NEVER Do Before a Blood Test

Photo by YuriArcursPeopleimages from Envato Elements

Annual blood tests are essential. But do you know what you shouldn’t do before taking them? 

If you want to make sure you’re healthy and well, it’s essential to take a blood test at least once a year. All the doctors encourage us to take it for a plethora of reasons.

For example, if you had a bacteria or a certain disease a couple of years ago, maybe they want to check to see if you still have it or if your body is immune to it. Another reason is to find your blood type (in case you don’t know it already). This is crucial, especially before surgery.

This being said, in this article, we will try to explore more of this topic, but mostly what you shouldn’t be doing before taking a blood test, no matter the type. Click on the next page to see the rest of the article.

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10 thoughts on “Top 9 Things You Should NEVER Do Before a Blood Test”

  1. I’ve only heard of some of the suggestions when fasting was necessary. I was told for most tests you want things as normal as possible so they can see what your levels are under normal circumstances.

    1. My doctor told me to fast before raking sugar test and it was when they were doing my annual test for everything i was told to not eat/drink anything except water after 10pm the night before my blood work at 8am

      1. Same from my doctor. The suggestion here “It is recommended to have lab tests performed either before or 10–14 days after taking any medications you are thinking about taking” is wrong.

      2. Jan C. Turczynski

        I had a doctor send me for a blood test and never asked what I ate or drank and when I did. Needless to say it was a one time visit with that incompetent sob. He also told me to stop taking supplements that it was a waste of money. The guy was an idiot.

  2. Mr. David Rowinski

    Re: page 4 “… postpone it for two or three days after the tests.” Should this be “before” the tests?

    1. Yes. I believe they meant prior to testing.
      Seems to be a typo. Probably due to starvation before going to a blood test next day.

  3. Thank you for the info … but It’s kind of confusing to read the entire article without having to scroll down and skip so many ads and other info— that’s why I don’t read anything unless it’s very important in that moment – wish it would be simpler

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