Saturday, October 5

Can’t Sleep? Here are 6 Reasons Why!

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Photo by pikselstock from

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a very common, yet treatable disorder that ends up causing you to wake up during the night due to the fact that you temporarily stop breathing. It sounds very scary, but in reality, a lot of the people who suffer from this don’t end up remembering it and think they have been sleeping through the night perfectly well.

This could very well be why you end up feeling exhausted over the day, seeing a decline in your productivity, or your mood becoming more irritable. It can even be a cause of depressive episodes due to not being able to get good rest during the night.

Despite what many think, this disorder can end up being life-threatening if not treated, so if you think this could be the reason why you cannot rest or a loved one frequently mentions how you wake up during the night, we strongly advise you to see a doctor about it.

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