Wednesday, June 26

The ‘Male Menopause’ Epidemic: 6 Warning Signs You Should Know

Photo by fongbeerredhot from Shutterstock

Warning sign no. 4: Losing muscle mass while getting more body fat, specifically in the belly

Men are always told that it’s normal and natural to “soften” as they age, although this, like low libido, is frequently caused by manageable hormonal imbalances. Testosterone assists in the reduction of body fat while increasing muscular mass. 

As testosterone levels drop, it becomes more difficult for your body to maintain muscle mass, and you are more susceptible to weight gain.

If you’re exercising just as hard as you used to, or maybe even harder, and your eating habits haven’t changed, andropause might be to blame for your weight gain.

Maintaining muscular mass and preventing excess weight is important for long-term health and safety. You can prevent the side effects of andropause and promote a healthy body fat percentage by contacting a doctor who specializes in handling hormonal changes.

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