Thursday, October 24

4 Surprising Side Effects of Vitamin D You Didn’t Know

side effect
Photo by ULV from

What do you know about the side effects of too much vitamin D?

As you already know, all healthcare providers tell us to consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, and if we don’t get enough, they advise us to take supplements. But is it possible to take too many vitamins? Let’s take a particular example and talk more about it because things are really interesting.

Vitamin D is one of the most important minerals your body can receive. It’s great for growing and developing your muscle cells, maintaining the health of your skeletal system, and assuring the proper functioning of the adaptive and instinctive immune systems. If you don’t have enough of it in your system, you are more likely to be at higher risk of getting an infection or a disease, and also bone demineralization.

Speaking of deficiency, several studies have discovered that roughly 40% of American adults don’t have enough levels of vitamin D. What’s even more interesting is that approximately 1 billion people are diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency.

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12 thoughts on “4 Surprising Side Effects of Vitamin D You Didn’t Know”

  1. I tbink its a Boron mineral deficiency ..not a Vitamin D3 deficiency … could take 50,000iu of D3 = One Mg of D3 and it might be a very toxic amount of Rat Poision …..Taking 10 mgs of Boron shohld increase D3 and also heal 100 other illnesses too …now there might be a good reason totake Boron instead

  2. I inadvertently was taking too much D3, ended up with heart ‘irregularities’.
    Cardiologist pointed out that I was OD’ing on D3. After I dialed it back the problem went away.

  3. How much D3 is recommended?
    I take 10,000 IU’s daily. My routine Lipid and Metobolic bloodwork tests have not shown any concerning “effect”.
    Where is this information available?

  4. Everything is wrong now!!! Everything that has been used so far is no longer good!! Only their vaccines are good, isn t so ????

  5. Vitamin D should not be taken without magnesium. Vitamin D uses magnesium to make the active form of vitamin D in the liver, thus depleting magnesium if you are not taking it. A lack of magnesium can cause serious heart arrhythmia. I take 2 gms a day in divided doses. Magnesium can cause gut issues so titarate up to that dose and dose accordingly.
    Doctors are amazingly ignorant on this subject, and by the way the routine lab magnesium test is inaccurate. It does not measure magnesium levels in the cells.
    I have taken over 20 k a day for years without problems.
    Doctors get zero nutrition schooling. Just a fyi.

  6. I take 6000 units of D3 and my blood work came back within the middle/normal range for D3. It is important to get blood work don and not guess.

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