Friday, October 25

New COVID Strain ‘Kraken’ Spreads: 9 Most Common Symptoms

Photo by Subbotina Anna from Shutterstock

2. Runny Nose

A runny nose is a common symptom of the new variant Kraken. Although a runny nose and sneezing were previously considered unrelated to the coronavirus, they are now predominant symptoms. This is especially the case for those who are vaccinated and boosted or who have antibodies from a prior COVID infection.

A Kraken runny nose can last for a few days, a week, or even longer. To add to the misery, it can cause a nagging cough from excess mucus dripping down the back of the throat, also known as post-nasal drip.

3. Stuffy Nose

Interestingly, people who are vaccinated and boosted may be dealing with more sinus and nasal symptoms of the coronavirus than those who aren’t. Nasal congestion may be more common with the omicron subvariant, like Kraken, than previous variants such as delta, health experts say.

That’s because omicron tends to “dwell” in the upper respiratory tract—the nose, mouth, and throat—while earlier strains were more likely to migrate down the respiratory tract into the lungs.

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150 thoughts on “New COVID Strain ‘Kraken’ Spreads: 9 Most Common Symptoms”

        1. No! No more shots!!
          Have you all not learned yet what the first 9 shots do to your body!!! We’ll the does suddenly, clots, cancers exploding, heart attacks and so much more!!!
          My God people, wake up!!
          This is another friggin excuse to roll out more genocidal shots!!
          Look it up. They want population to 1 billion and less!!!

      1. Wanda R Gonzalez

        I had all the shots for Covid 19, and still got it twice. The 1st time I was in the hospital. No more shots for me. Let Go 2& Let God.

        1. Science is not an absolute. Science is transitional. Peoples physical response to medicine may work for some; Hopefully the majority. Some people medication prescribed or self managed may have a negative response, yet work for some. If one feels confident in their home remedies, then so be it. The questions arises if your home remedies don’t work and you get the virus. The hospitals are at capacity with over worked staff. Whatever choice you make, there is no guarantee against not getting the virus. People die regardless of their choice.
          Who should be allowed to get medical services? Should everyone have equal access to receive medical service to save their lives? Peoples choice should be priorities. I believe the anti-vaxxers or self immune builders should be at the end or last in line. Three lines starting with the vaccinated, then self managed home remedies, and last, the self immune builders or anti-vaxxers. The question is to what extent does your choice become a problem for the general public. This becomes a political issue due to public safety. The idea of the government controlling or as some feel intruding into private lives to save lives is the government job. If you refuse to take precautions and you become infected then you become a safety risk to your family and community. The choice is yours unless the public at large is in danger.

    1. Wake up! These viruses happen before elections! Bossters do not help at all. Better if you have a natural immunity then you do not need that BOOSTER every 6 months. Man made virus even Pfizer was plotting to modify Covid to sell more Boosters. Please start reading for yourself. I learned in 1983 that Gene Splicing was in effect on RNA.

      1. I am a pure blood, I will not got any shot, I won’t get into that, I wear gloves, on gas pumps, shopping carts etc, sanitizer a must, keep your distance, take vitamin d or c or anything to help your immune. Symptom, I do I proved it I am proof. Like ma always said wash your hands.

        1. John Wayne Harlan Sr

          The medical authorities have been proven to be owned by big pharma and they can’t be trusted. They don’t make much money on dead patients. They don’t make much money on cured patients. What do they make an obscene amount of money on? It’s keeping us sick as long as possible and addicted to high priced patented drugs that mostly have horrible side effects. I take charge of my own health. I am not one of the sheep jumping in line for any of these so called “vaccines”. I do things to support my immune system and watch my diet, and stay away from doctors unless I think I am going to die! I seem to be in good health in my mid 80s.

        2. Makes me wonder How you got an education seeing Kids get immunizations to attend school.
          Look at measles making a come back. Why ? From those that don’t get shots.

      2. I TOTALLY agree with you and I am so tired of the Government and their plan to keep Trump from getting elected again. I worked for the State of PA and I know how crooked they are. I swear I just want to go live in a cave somewhere or an Island away from everyone! LOL But they want to call us conspiracy nuts. Well that is only because we have them figured out and have for a very long time. I love the new name, Kraken. How original. Release the Kraken. Yeah I saw that movie when it came out. Dumbasses!!! We are the laughing stock of the entire world right now and it just makes me sick. They can stick their “Boosters” right up their asses.

        1. Psssst…..Trump made us the laughing stock of the world. Ask anyone in any country ( except North Korea and Russia) and they will give you the answer! Vaccines have always been a choice. The public’s response is also a choice. If you feel slighted by one’s response to you, it is your problem, not the government.

          1. That’s because those other countries hate when someone exposes their corruption, crimes. They continually were sucking money from America because of bad decisions by our leaders. Trump said,”No more.” Of course they hate him. Biden administration hate him and anyone that supports him. Think that Hillary said it worst, “Deplorable.” Look at the United States now. Inflation all time high. Not fuel independent. Crime up in every city. Racist remarks about just about everything. Your toothbrush is white. It’s racist. You are black,and stand for freedom. You are a white supremacist. George Floyd, according the coroner died because of a heart problem and fentanyl. The pressure also may have caused it. He was a criminal. But the race thing comes up again. Last week a white kid at a school was beaten and killed by ten black juveniles. Where is all the outrage? This happens daily. Mainstream media only covers it for ratings or to push racism. Wake-up. NEWSMAX and “The First,” and other independent news sources are the only one that show the facts. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times are all corrupt. George”Nazi” Soros pays billions into the Democrat Party.. Fauci is another bureaucrat. He has been involved with Gain of Function for years. WHO, CDC, WEF, and the globalists are corrupt. Covered up origins of virus. Trump said China. People around said no. Wrong. I subscribe to IMPRIMIS and The Verdict news. They are free. NEWSMAX magazine is great. Read up to get the facts.

          2. Trump? Really? Do you realize what he did to keep our nation from dropping dead at the first wave of Covid hit America? This was new for American’s and people were dropping dead! “Ask anyone in any country?” You don’t know what you’re talking about, “Karen,” (Janet) You must be old man Biden’s advocate. Trump made America great and he did everything in his power to protect American’s, even going so far as to get the first drug out to American’s without waiting for more people to die whilst the drug normally would have taken years while being tested. In the meantime, American’s were dying quickly, and by the thousands. During such an event, everything was closed down until the government could figure out how to keep the rest of us alive. What, were you complaining that Starbucks was closed during the begining of the pandemic? Karen, go look up the word and visit the CDC. I’ve had many people that I know that died because of Covid, but many more that did as they were told, wore masks, try not to go out unless you absolutely have to. Wash your hands, (which people should always do after a bathroom trip or touching shopping carts, etceteras) Psssst…you’re an idiot.

          3. Sorry but Biden is the one that has made America look bad not Trump. Maybe you’re delusional too, ya know like Biden.

          4. I agree with you Janet and I have been vaccinated since my youth and there is a reason I have reached the age of 63. Long live booster shots.

          5. Psssst… The clown in office now is the one who has made us a world laughingstock. Ask anyone who’s not a progressive Kool-Aid drinker. Vaccines USED TO BE a choice, but ever since the plan-demic, these vaccines have been pushed on the American people to unacceptable levels, with progressive pols and their pals trying to shame us and threatening to ostracize non-vaxxers from public life unless we bow down to them and their agenda markers. It’s not one person’s response that people are reacting to, it’s one person after another, after another, so yes, the problem is the government and their progressive tyranny tactics.

          6. So true, Janet. Trump encouraged people to NOT get vaccinated. Of course, once HE got covid abd had a team of doctors pull him through, did he change his words. Sorta.

          7. Roderick Bazemore

            Janet you are spot on with the facts people listened to the DJT and actually literally tried to use that fish drug and horse animal medicine to cure them of Covid…some folks really believed that 45 was or better yet (the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the Flesh). Beware of the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing so to speak….its a shame that this guy whose obsession with Dupeing the American public has been scamming people since his days in NYC….and now that the Chickens are home to roost…he’s still playing the victim card. .and people are still falling for it…. Shame on you….he’s not here to save you from the Boogie mani.e….Joe Biden….just to drain your pockets so just keep on sending him your hard earned cash….he’s laughing at you all the way to the BANK…

          8. You are soooo wrong. Biden has done exactly that. Made us look like fools.
            We had world respect with President Trumps leadership. Now we are know as a money laundering country led by fools.

          9. Janet Well said ! Most that catch Covid are un-vaccinated. Look at how many more are affected in Red States

          10. Trump made us the laughing stock????…hahaha the list is too long to write about the current administration’s continued failures and policies and the destruction of a free nation’s rights. They will do nothing for the people as long as they are in control!..however politics aside…I received a small handful of vaccines in my life and I only needed to get them once for them to work a lifetime…I was never interested in getting normal flu vaccines annually I was just fortunate to get the flu only a few times in my life. I will never take the covid vaccine and line the pockets of the elites investment…for those that want too?… there are many more to come, knock yourself out!
            My jabbed friends have had covid as bad as I did and some even worse….No thanks you can have mine.

          11. Sorry Janet, but not true. Further in 2021 vaccines were Not a choice. The United States government mandated vaccines and government workers were forced to comply or lose their jobs. Police , fire and healthcare workers were also forced to comply. The NIh lead by Fauci created phony standards that ultimately shut down small businesses like restaurants. Think the 6 feet apart was scientific, guess again. It was just a contrived figure. Never again will Americsns be mandated medically without total anarchy occurring. That is a good thing! Wash your hands, take zinc regularly as it inhibits viral replication , and for mucus- take medicine with guafenesin like Mucinex or Robitussin to prevent pneumonia. Trump halted immigration and acted based on the rantings of Fauci , a supposed expert. If the expert is a charletan, no one could have known. He (Fauci ) is now trying to say he never said it wasn’t from the wuhan lab. Video shows otherwise. Stop the politely attacks. Untrue

          12. Trump was the greatest President since Ronald Reagan, and will be again!! Joe Biden is the laughing stock of the world dearie!! Be prepared for Donald Trump in November because he WILL win!!

        2. You don’t know what u wish for USA is the best system since the Roman Empire I hope you people don’t let be fouled by the people you vote for so anyway slot of them are hypocrites

        3. Funny you say that about trump Let me remind you of three words
          OPERATION WARP SPEED It was supposed to be trumps legacy. If you remember he spent BILLIONS of OUR taxes and THREATENED the FDA to bypass ALL protocol to bring it to fruition. Mask shutdowns BLM and most important attack on OUR Congressmen in Our Capitol will never be OK no matter what party and were ALL under trump. I have seen many elections winners and losers and never have I seen a non peaceful transfer of Power. Never.. Then instead of promoting the vaccine he touted until he LOST the election he did not care about Americans dying just to Lie about a LOST election. Within 6 months of Biden taking control Schools and Business were open NON mRNA vaccine for those who did not want mRNA available Better treatments Our Military was safe Economy started rolling back and Our Infrastructure is finally getting some attention “Bipartisan” because ALL states roads highways and bridges were falling apart. GOP voted to Allow Big Corp to continue to Price Gouge Americans on gas and food Voted Against more money for the border and Our military and could care less elderly and middle class could not afford simple medicine required for us to live. Social Security, Military, DOD, Unions all got their first REAL wage increase in over 10 years. Bipartisan group of Congressmen finally agree on border policies and because OUR elected republicans cannot make decisions for themselves they allow a crooked dictator to tell them what to do. Democrats have shown they can and will work together for the American people not A FALSE self proclaimed God. I am a swing voter and will vote for anybody running against trump for the future of my children and grandchildren. The laws GOP want to pass today will make criminals out of them tomorrow. I will as they say “Fight Like Hell” to really keep America Free for All. By the way “Trump Wall” is to Keep us in Not Others Out…Be careful what you ask for

        4. Two weeks after my first booster i started having chest pains and my health has gone down hill ever since. Heart,lungs, kidneys, bladder and the latest is thickening of the adrenal gland. No more vax for me.

        5. Amen I pray for Trump everyday, I pray he is re-elected as our 2024 President and that the Republicans win the majority of the house and senate in 2024

        6. Trump’s a pathological liar. Get the facts. Woodard exposed Trump. Trump said the virus “was just going to go away.” We lost over 1.1 million lives because of that idiot. Wake up!! He is a crook & doing his best to put the trials off after the election so he can make them go away. If he doesn’t get elected- his ass is grass. His will be prosecuted & go to prison for the rest of his life!!

        7. All over people who took the covid-19 deadly vaccines, are dying suddenly. CDC started again with this depopulate the planet. Election interference is this crap. MRNA vaccines are poisonous like a cobra bite

        8. If you find that cave or a special island can I come live on the opposite side of the island or at the far end of the cave? LOL I do understand how you feel though as I feel the exact same way. I a senior citizen and I would like to just live out the rest of my life in PEACE away all the garbage the media and the politicians spew everyday!

          1. Really sad and pathetic. Newsmax is a horror. Other countries laugh at our ignorance. How you cannot see the fake evil grifter of orange Cheeto is beyond me. Watch out. You know what a dictator is … we are a first world country with some great things going on here. Doom and gloom you will get what you want and worse. Good luck !

          2. Yes, Wes did speak truthfully! But right before the roll out of the vax Pharma made sure they would not be held responsible for vaccine injury. That they would not be sued by the public! That was a huge red flag. They themselves were not confident that this was going to be well. And now we and across the globe have people who have been vaccine injured! Of all ages I may add because there were some brave souls who allowed themselves to be in clinical trails and now are disabled for the past three to four years and those that performed the trails have left them to fend for themselves. It is a crime what has taken place in this country! And to still promote vaccinations? I will never be vaccinated again for anything. How can you trust these people ever!

        9. I totally agree with you! If we the people do not unite and help each other, we as a country will never see it again as it was. A United, helpful and brave nation ! As you said we are the laughing stock now! No other
          Country has seen laws and what’s happening here ever! If President Trump does not win, we the people are going to see worst things happen. It truly would be nice to see Americans unite and make this country Great Again like it was!

        1. Ignorant supporters of Trump the rapist and fraudster never did one thing that wasn’t for his self unless you call ordering Jeff Sessions incharge of snatching children from their mothers at the border and separating them without recording who you took the child from leaving them as orphans . You know that losers follow a loser’s Trump has been a failure at every business he touched and everyone that lays in bed with him are destroyed.
          Now check those facts if your really looking for the truth !
          Which your not !

      3. Let me remind you of three words
        OPERATION WARP SPEED It was supposed to be trumps legacy. If you remember he spent BILLIONS of OUR taxes and THREATENED the FDA to bypass ALL protocol to bring it to fruition. Mask shutdowns BLM and most important attack on OUR Congressmen in Our Capitol will never be OK no matter what party and were ALL under trump. I have seen many elections winners and losers and never have I seen a non peaceful transfer of Power. Never.. Then instead of promoting the vaccine he touted until he LOST the election he did not care about Americans dying just a Lie about a LOST election. Within 6 months of Biden taking control Schools and Business were open NON mRNA vaccine for those who did not want mRNA available Better treatments Our Military was safe Economy started rolling back and Our Infrastructure is finally getting some attention “Bipartisan” because ALL states roads highways and bridges were falling apart. GOP voted to Allow Big Corp to continue to Price Gouge Americans on gas and food Voted Against more money for the border and Our military and could care less elderly and middle class could not afford simple medicine required for us to live. Social Security, Military, DOD, Unions all got their first REAL wage increase in over 10 years. Bipartisan group of Congressmen finally agree on border policies and because OUR elected republicans cannot make decisions for themselves they allow a crooked dictator to tell them what to do. Democrats have shown they can and will work together for the American people not A FALSE self proclaimed God. I am a swing voter and will vote for anybody running against trump for the future of my children and grandchildren. The laws GOP want to pass today will make criminals out of them tomorrow. I will as they say “Fight Like Hell” to really keep America Free for All. By the way “Trump Wall” is to Keep us in Not Others Out…

      4. Agreed! When will people wake TF up??? Who knows what is actually in those boosters. Eat healthy, exercise and take your vitamins. Build up your immune system! Always before an election.

      5. Finally, Someone with a brain in their head not full of spike protein. These sheeple have already Destroyed their bodies and their kids if they had them inejcted. When drug Reps refuse to take that bilge their own companies sell,, quit or retire , you know here is a huge problem. Read the Literature it tells you in detail what this toxic, RNA altering swill will do. It says they don’t know what effect it has on their reproduction organs, cancer will soar along with many types of heart damage. Do these sheeple really believe these Politicians and CDC upper crust got the jab? Placebo thank you very much. What better way to thin the herd. The herd Bill Gates that evil excuse, said 90% of the population needs to be anniliated because the world can’t sustain what is here now. He and his family of course are in the 10% to be saved. Correct you are, WAKE UP! This from me a Nurse and No we didn’t take it.

      6. People like me who vaccinate are the reason why COVID is not as severe as it once was. You’re welcome!

        1. Thanks Sonya, I haven’t had Covid and have had all the boosters and I am at risk for health conditions! Measles are on the rise because people are not longer vaccinating their children. It is a shame that one person has changed our beliefs!

        1. Claudio A Soto

          Where ? In this country USA.
          When ? Right after the damm stupids DEMORATS got in the White House and stared destroying this country and mees up the hole word.
          It was when I learn of this.

      7. True. This is a government born disease and they are using it for population control and to put fear into people!!

      8. You got that right! Democrats are pushing another virus right before a major election. Those experimental shots & boosters have caused so many heart & health problems & deaths.

      1. Prove it! There’s absolutely NO PROOF vax does ANYTHING really… other than potentially KILL YOU or cause some other malady in your body! LEMMING! If the man who invented it says “it’s not known for sure if it works OR is actually SAFE…” I BELIEVE HIM!
        Read RFK Jr’s book “the REAL Dr Fauci”

    2. Yep! Here we go again another vaccine that harms people intentionally. Folks this is as plain as the noses on your faces. Look at all the problems the first vaccines caused in people, what makes you think this wouldn’t be the same? ( ITS all about POPULATION CONTROL ALL AROUND THE WORLD !)

    3. more silly booga booga AS THE vaccine continues to mail and kill people
      This dr along with many others should be tried for treason! Virologist Warns ‘Imminent’ New COVID Crisis Among VACCINATED Will Cause ‘Chaos’ & ‘Collapse’ Society
      Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world…It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete.”

    4. Of course there is, it’s called go vote. The goal is for you NOT to vote, then your vote is cast for who THEY want. No signature required (tyvm) the paper ballot audits to the electronic record. Paper ballots are retained, and electronic record deleted. Then, paper is disposed of. All before the (January 6, or whatever) certification date is.

  1. well u wrote of nine symptons .besides getting a booster shot is there anything else to do that will help lessen the severity 0fare Kracken infection….Plus what are effective treatments for this strain???. plus are people like me 80 yr old man 4 stroke survivor just gonna say adios??how dangerous is the Kracken any trends … are masks any help?. should masks be worn in public places???..

      1. Check out the CDC’s own 2014 study that determined that face masks provide no benefit in preventing transmission of viral diseases. As an orthopedic surgeon I wore masks to prevent bacterial transmission into the wound of the patient I was treating. Negative airflow space suits are effective but not a reality outside a level four viral research center. If you a sick and coughing a mask will help prevent you from spreading droplets to others. Also, sunlight kills the virus in just a few seconds. That means that there is never a reason to wear a mask outside.

        1. Thanks, doc! The intentional mis-information being spread by the media and the current Administration must drive you crazy. Any person who isn’t governed 100% by their emotions can pause long enough to do their own research and find the truth being meticulously explained by individuals like yourself. It’s right there being offered free of charge. Instead, too many will allow themselves to be blindly led by hate-filled, greedy, corrupt, power-hungry individuals whose blatant actions are constantly at odds with their deceitful directives.

        2. I am in a nursing home and a few weeks back, the administration tested for Covid. Five people tested positive. The following week saw five more positive cases. I sat with my jaw dropped as I saw CNAs come from rooms with patients having Covid, not wearing gowns, gloves and some of the time, no masks. There was only one positive this week. Anyone from the outside was allowed to come in. Am I a “rebel without a cause?” I feel this facility is not giving COVID the importance it needs.

      2. Please show the data that wearing masks, even worn properly, are effective at preventing contraction of the covid virus. The fact is that the pores in the mask are many factors larger than the virus itself. The real science is that masks help to reduce transmission from a person that is positive with the virus to others that are not, if the positive infected person is wearing one. Even an N95 does not protect you from contracting this virus. I feel so sorry that so many people such as yourself have been duped by this control tactic of our government that is compromised by corporate interests. Also note that wearing masks, especially ones like N95’s, are clinically proven to increase your blood co2 content to dangerous levels when worn for extended periods. This causes significant damage to your body chemistry. You think you are doing the right thing but in fact you are hurting yourself. If you are wearing a mask when you are positive with a virus then thank you for helping others, otherwise stop hurting yourself and widen your source of information that you use to make decisions in your life.

    1. They described symptoms of the common cold. Just because they give something a name doesn’t mean it’s lethal. It’s fear mongering to push their useless boosters. Wake up people.

    2. The common track of a pandemic is that as time progresses, it gets more contagious, BUT less lethal.
      So far, coronavirus appears to be following this pattern. I’m also an older person, with asthma, living at a
      high altitude. So I got vaccinated and boosted, and am following common sense precautions like getting plenty of rest, eating foods rich in Vitamin C, and avoiding crowded indoor events (or taking Airborne, an immune support supplement found in the grocery store) before I go there.

    3. Hi Roger, I am an RN who worked on the frontlines caring for hundreds of COVID patients since the pandemic started. Every single person is different, therefore care/treatment & preventative measures may differ on an individualized basis. The media is not talking about this new strain or COVID in general like they used to, even though we continue to go through serious surges as this virus mutates so quickly. To answer your question about wearing masks, YES, masks help in preventing the spread of droplets when other cough, sneeze or when talking close to you. WASHING your hands & using hand sanitizer, wiping down your carts, inside of your car & surfaces in your home help significantly! Alcohol wipes kill COVID viruses much better than bleach wipes. Right now the “false negative” test results are at an all time high so many people who feel sick or just have one or two symptoms may test negative, but indeed do have COVID so continue to go to work or out in public without masks. CDC needs to come up with better updated tests that give more accurate results when testing for these new variants. If you feel sick, stay home. Hope that helps.

    4. Masks are worthless against a see a virus you need an electron microscope it’s so small…using a mask to stop the virus is like trying to keep flies out with a chain link fence…it goes right through…the best way to prevent getting it is to stay out of crowded public places..or confined areas…

    5. This is May 9th, 2024. Everyone knows what damage the vaccines did to humanity now. And masks did no good, in fact, they were not healthy at all.

  2. Apparently the symptoms are the same symptoms we’ve dealt with from the beginning of our interaction with COVID. Nothing atypical at all in terms of symptoms, only in terms of its greatly enhanced transmissibility. And we still have no specific therapy available for ANY of the variants. So knowing which one it is doesn’t particularly help anything.

    Welcome to the joys of epidemiology!, my favorite subject in my medical training.

    –Kind regards, Susan Root, MD, MPH

    1. My preferred therapy is ivermectin. Prescribed by my doctor. Effective with no side effects. Greatly reduces symptons.

  3. There are those who blame former President Trump for the million-plus American deaths from COVID-19, but that is not really true. The true blame for all those deaths belongs to our medical establishment, for rejecting the scientifically proven cure for ALL corona viruses (which I call the “Cathcart titration methodology”, developed by Robert Cathcart during the 1970’s). That method has been shown, for now fifty years and through millions of human clinical trials, to emulate evolution’s (nature’s/God’s) perfect cure for viral infections (100 percent safe and 100% effective) as has been used by virtually all animals (except in guinea pigs, and a few species of primates and bats) for many millions of years. I have more recently used it successfully for COVID-19, which should not be fatal except that medical “science” rejects valid science due to a foolish misconception about how to evaluate science, which shows how human fallacies have flavored science into a subjective (opinion-based) endeavor. But in fact, vaccines will help given the foolishness of our institutions and leaders.

    1. Believe me, this has nothing to do with Donald Trump. This has to do with the CDC and how this all began out in China when someone who worked in that Wuhan lab, let it out. If anyone IS blaming Donald Trump for an infectious disease like COVID, they’re just plain ignorant. So then we should blame Ronald Reagan for AIDS right? People are unbelievable anymore these days and that’s what’s wrong! Smh…

    2. What does this have to do with trump. PLEASE!!! hard to believe that all the news stations are wrong and fox news is right . they’re full of it and so morons like you. Get s grip!

    3. Funny you say that about trump Let me remind you of three words
      OPERATION WARP SPEED It was supposed to be trumps legacy. If you remember he spent BILLIONS of OUR taxes and THREATENED the FDA to bypass ALL protocol to bring it to fruition. Mask shutdowns BLM and most important attack on OUR Congressmen in Our Capitol will never be OK no matter what party and were ALL under trump. I have seen many elections winners and losers and never have I seen a non peaceful transfer of Power. Never.. Then instead of promoting the vaccine he touted until he LOST the election he did not care about Americans dying just a Lie about a LOST election. Within 6 months of Biden taking control Schools and Business were open NON mRNA vaccine for those who did not want mRNA available Better treatments Our Military was safe Economy started rolling back and Our Infrastructure is finally getting some attention “Bipartisan” because ALL states roads highways and bridges were falling apart. GOP voted to Allow Big Corp to continue to Price Gouge Americans on gas and food Voted Against more money for the border and Our military and could care less elderly and middle class could not afford simple medicine required for us to live. Social Security, Military, DOD, Unions all got their first REAL wage increase in over 10 years. Bipartisan group of Congressmen finally agree on border policies and because OUR elected republicans cannot make decisions for themselves they allow a crooked dictator to tell them what to do. Democrats have shown they can and will work together for the American people not A FALSE self proclaimed God. I am a swing voter and will vote for anybody running against trump for the future of my children and grandchildren. The laws GOP want to pass today will make criminals out of them tomorrow. I will as they say “Fight Like Hell” to really keep America Free for All. By the way “Trump Wall” is to Keep us in Not Others Out… Be careful what you ask for

    4. You are right. Democrats spent his whole term trying to bash him. Coronavirus has been around forever. My sister showed us on cleaner she was using lysol or one of them said kills the coronavirus. I don’t call it coronavirus i call it china virus the correct name. Democrats were looking for ways to kill the american people off. It was supposed to kill people 60 and older the ones getting social security as they have been stealing from what we paid in. They are now giving illegals social security. Between the gop and the democrats they are the dirtiest group of politicians i have ever seen slong with that gates guy, Soros, etc. Clinton, obama, gates, and fake leading doctor.

      1. Sure don’t!! I never felt this sick; this time… I already had COVID-19 #3 times already within the years it hit… Pains, sickness, tired, stomach issues, no taste buds; nausea; hot/cold spells. Etc. what’s going on with this new viruses today!? Thank God!! I have received all my shots last time… just don’t know

    1. 2024 now, and “caution” means never allow anyone to put anything in your body that has not been in trials for 20 years. A doctor from the past made sure I knew that.

  4. My husband and I just got over it and we’re in Indiana. We saw people sneezing and sniffing constantly. We already knew what was happening. It was just like a cold, but a very nasty cold with a lot of congestion, especially in the nose and in the head. We had major headaches with this COVID. It started out as a sore throat for us and just got worse with not wanting to come out when blowing our noses, even after the sore throat went away… My husband is a smoker so he had a really nasty cough, but the cough didn’t come with this COVID variant. Mainly started out as sore throat, terrible headache, major congestion in the head and the nose and face area. Took three weeks before we had just a runny nose and could get some relief and could finally get the last of it out after all the hacking we did! Don’t believe there is such a thing as just a common cold anymore! You get something like this and it’s either COVID or the flu or both! My advice is always get checked out or tested or know your body and the symptoms from previous infections. When are they going to get a hold on these variants? It’s awful, severe cold or flu like symptoms, either way, no fun whatsoever! Just unreal how this is spreading and there’s hardly any awareness anymore! There needs to be more awareness when these COVID strains are coming out and being found!!! What is going on with the AWARENESS!!!!!!!!! Broadcast it!!!! Put it on the news the radio so everyone can be prepared! Geez…

  5. I guess the next big thing will hawkers on every street corner selling bootleg KRAKEN shots , you mfer’s have no shame or principals . I sincerely hope people learned a lesson from the last time they were pushing you to commit suicide . Wake the fu#k up people this booster is nothing but genocide

  6. I wish I had never got the booster shot. I have never felt like I was back to my normal since then. No more shots for me!!!

  7. Talking about trump Let me remind you of three words
    OPERATION WARP SPEED It was supposed to be trumps legacy. If you remember he spent BILLIONS of OUR taxes and THREATENED the FDA to bypass ALL protocol to bring it to fruition. Mask shutdowns BLM and most important attack on OUR Congressmen in Our Capitol will never be OK no matter what party and were ALL under trump. I have seen many elections winners and losers and never have I seen a non peaceful transfer of Power. Never.. Then instead of promoting the vaccine he touted until he LOST the election he did not care about Americans dying just a Lie about a LOST election. Within 6 months of Biden taking control Schools and Business were open NON mRNA vaccine for those who did not want mRNA available Better treatments Our Military was safe Economy started rolling back and Our Infrastructure is finally getting some attention “Bipartisan” because ALL states roads highways and bridges were falling apart. GOP voted to Allow Big Corp to continue to Price Gouge Americans on gas and food Voted Against more money for the border and Our military and could care less elderly and middle class could not afford simple medicine required for us to live. Social Security, Military, DOD, Unions all got their first REAL wage increase in over 10 years. Bipartisan group of Congressmen finally agree on border policies and because OUR elected republicans cannot make decisions for themselves they allow a crooked dictator to tell them what to do. Democrats have shown they can and will work together for the American people not A FALSE self proclaimed God. I am a swing voter and will vote for anybody running against trump for the future of my children and grandchildren. The laws GOP want to pass today will make criminals out of them tomorrow. I will as they say “Fight Like Hell” to really keep America Free for All. By the way “Trump Wall” is to Keep us in Not Others Out… Be careful what you ask for

  8. There are those of us who have autoimmune diseases, such as Systemic Lupus, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, along with many other conditions who are strongly advised to have the vaccines. Someone I know of who has Diabetes was advised to wait for a certain type of vaccine and in the meantime while waiting, her health deteriorated to the point where she was bedridden and she got COVID. Thankfully, it did not take her life. But the point is, that if people would just get vaccinated, there would be fewer problems. Yes, it is a choice. So is killing and abortion. Just get vaccinated and protect those around you and stop thinking only about yourselves, people. Please. Think of your friends’ health. Think of your neighbors’ health. Think of your partners’ health. Just think of those around you and not only of yourself. You can even give it to your pet.

  9. 71 year old retired critical care RN here:
    Folks, this is called a C O L D!
    It was here before I was born, in various forms and it, in all probability, will be here long after I die. This re-analyzing of a C O L D is getting more and more foolish. Get a life. Something, someday is going to ultimately result in the death of everyone, including you and me!
    Make sure your life is spent with purpose – not fearfully trying to survive the next C O L D virus!!!!

  10. Terry, I have to ask how old yopu are to believe in such stories. Spiderman is a child story. The boogyman is a story told to children.

    We have used RNA technology since the mid 50’s when the vaccines for measles, chicken pocks, and polio were given to us as children.

    So, now you know the truth. It’s truth and not spiderman fiction.

    If you understand one simple thing you will understand why viccines and boosters are made.

    When a person has a compromised immune system and gets the virus, their immune system changes the virus because it is compromised. The vaccines then either need to be changed to be able to fight the new strain or a new vaccine needs to be created. It’s easier to change the already made vaccine, since only a small potion of the code has been altered by the immune compromised person.

    I think this explained it well.

    Just so you know, i have been in the scientific field of study for about 40 yrs. I’m not a doctor , only a scientist.

  11. Marjorie Ruthenberg

    I WILL NOT AND HAVEN”T GOTTEN ANY OF THOSE COVID POLITICAL PUSHED SHOTS. ITS been proven they don’t work and how many people have died from them. Stop are we going down that crazy path again. Use common sense ! These covid strains will be around for ever just like the flu. Some of you that remarked have got it right ,well the others that depend on our crooked gov. has it all wrong ! WAKE UP !!!! IT”S ELECTION YEAR ,DO YOU EXPECT ANT DIFFERENT ! SERIOUSLY , haven’t you learned ANY THING IN THE PAST + YEARS ??? WE HAVE THE MOST CROOKED GOVERNMENT WHO IS TRYING TO DESTROY US. WELL I’M NOT LETTING THEM ! LET THEM RULE YOUR LIFE ,BUT I’M NOT !!!!!!

    1. That’s not what he said. Go back and listen to what he actually said instead of msm! You are repeating a lie lady!

    2. Just as good as your booster. This is a new strain, meaning they haven’t seen it, but get boosted anyways because they said so

  12. What’s important here is that people might want to do their own “research,” but genuine research especially in medical science, should NOT be taken seriously if the veracity of the information involved is in doubt. Anyone without, say, basic knowledge of human biology, much less epidemiology or any of the related medical disciplines, is in danger of blithely accepting whatever they read as “truth,” but without verification. This is no good, because people then internalize the misinformation and then, regurgitate it in a distorted form before passing it on to others and this is medical misinformation which can do a great deal of damage.

    Moreover, there is confusion over the words “misinformation” and “disinformation,” especially in the context of politics: Donald Trump, for example, willingly spread disinformation as part of his plan to conceal and distort medical knowledge for his own political advantage. However, many people, not knowing any better, might parrot some medical misinformation without realizing it is erroneous. Here, unlike the example of Trump, there was no desire to conceal or distort. It’s just misinformation, which, once corrected, then becomes “truth.”

    If people are going to conduct their own “research,” they’ll get better results from applying the tools of standard research instead of just gobbling up what they read on the Internet, provided that it supports political beliefs which they already hold.

    That is polemics, masquerading as “scientific truth,” and most reputable scientists take a different and surely a better approach.

  13. Over one million Americans have died from covid and I’ve yet to see
    where even one individual was able to sue the manufacturers for not
    telling the truth about their respective vaccines and that is something
    republicans don’t want to talk about. Vaccines have been a ‘God send’
    for many who would have otherwise died if not receiving them but I
    say let Trump’s minions refuse to take them so we can count on them
    feeling the full ill effects of being infected.

  14. Just like the devil used the word against Jesus the same way the world is using this non sense against Gods people. Does Trump have his flaws? Absolutely is the short answer. Do I agree with every single one of his policies? Absolutely. Is God still on the throne? Absolutely. Will God make a way? In Faith it’s finished. Why are we so divided? The truth is the truth I can’t change something because I’m emotionally unstable. What I can do is advise those who are to seek help, as well as to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  15. Roger, no masks do not work, but if you can breathe with it on and feel safer that way, go ahead and wear it, just don’t keep it on for hours at a time. Fresh air is a good thing. Also, I have been taking a multi-vitamin, + 1000mg of Vitamin C, +4000mg of sambucus, +1200mg of NAC, +1600mg quercetin with bromelain and 15 mg of zinc with 1mg copper since co-vid began and I have not had so much as a sniffle in the past 4 years. Eat right and take your supplements, do not share anyone else’s food/drinks, get in some exercise and you should be just fine. BTW, I’m pushing 70 so not much younger than you.

  16. noneofyourbusiness

    Study: COVID vax INCREASES risk of infection
    Unvaccinated have better protection through natural immunity
    Art Moore By Art Moore
    Published June 21, 2022 at 7:06pm
    TruthTwitterFacebookGettrGabA new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that two doses of the mRNA vaccines increased the risk of COVID-19 infection during the omicron wave.

    And researchers further confirmed that those infected without having been vaccinated for COVID-19 acquired natural immunity from infection, the Epoch Times reported
    One of several articles from 2022

  17. When thousands of people were dying every day in new York. With out the covert 19 shots where would we be today. Trump did nothing to help.

  18. Thank you ever so much but you DID NOT tell me what the signs of the new strain are, is it vomiting, weakness all over itching rash what , will you ever tell us????????

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