Friday, October 25

4 Caffeine Side Effects You Didn’t Know About

caffeine side effects
Image By SrideeStudio From Shutterstock


Caffeine can help you sustain your health, yet it can also become a habit to keep reaching out for caffeinated drinks.

An extensive review has proposed that while caffeine ends up triggering the same brain chemicals that dangerous drugs end up triggering too (like amphetamines and coke) when caffeine does it, it does not create the same type of addiction that these unregulated substances do.

Yet, this does not mean that you cannot end up developing an addiction to caffeine. The difference is that the addiction is physical or psychological, and it only manifests when we are talking about high dosages of caffeine.

One study tested people who either consumed large amounts of caffeine, a moderate amount, or none at all.

They were all not given caffeine overnight, and the next day they had to participate in a word test. The only participants who gravitated toward caffeine-related words were the high-volume users, and they were also the only ones who had a craving for the substance.

Other studies have shown that how often and how much caffeine you drink can create a physical dependency.

Studies have shown that those who are used to a moderate to high intake of caffeine, even after 16 hours without it, will develop side effects like headaches and fatigue, just to mention the most common ones.

There is no evidence that shows that coffee and other caffeine products can induce a true addiction, but regularly consuming large amounts of this substance can lead to the body and mind becoming dependent on the effects it has.

If you are curious to learn more about caffeine and the effects it can have on your body and mind, we recommend you read more on the subject. This study is available on Amazon for a good price, and it can answer a lot of caffeine-related questions!

Despite these caffeine side effects, you can still consume coffee and make the most of its health benefits, as long as you end up drinking it in moderation! One of the health benefits of coffee could include a lowered risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. To find out if this is the truth or fiction, make sure you read our article for the facts!

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