Thursday, October 24

14 Silent Signs You’ve Already Had COVID-19

Photo by Monster e from Shutterstock

You’ve got cotton-mouth

Could a dry mouth be a symptom of Covid-19? Well, it’s not completely off the table. Apparently, as many as 40% of people who are infected with Covid-19 may experience symptoms of dry mouth during or after the illness, if we were to follow a study from the “Journal of Dental Research”.

There’s even more recent evidence that shows how Covid-19 has a direct impact on the mouth and saliva. In fact, researchers from Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, U.K., and other organizations in the U.S. and U.K. found the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors, or ACE2 receptor, in cells of the salivary glands and tissues lining of the mouth.

And this is basically the protein that Covid-19 locks into for entering the body.

Everything smells just like a skunk

There are some people who are currently recovering from Covid-19 and suffering from a serious alteration of their smell. They smell everything, from smoke, garbage, and food, as if it were skunk.

And according to some doctors, these phantom smells tend to become even more common with time, as 25% of people experienced these unexplainable smells soon after they were diagnosed with Covid-19.

RELATED: 8 Natural Ways to Give Your Immune System a Boost

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26 thoughts on “14 Silent Signs You’ve Already Had COVID-19”

  1. Gee, you mean society actually survived without tests, vaccine and Fauci? At least as people drop dead from the, so called, vaccine it will be declared a spontaneous event unrelated to the CDC, Fauci or governmental incompetence.

    1. by getting vaccinated you help build herd immunity and everyone benefits. You create an umbrella of protection over society that protects the vulnerable.

      1. Her immunity only happens when you had covid and build up antibodies. The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid and doesn’t prevent you from spreading covid.

    2. The Dunning-Kruger effect which occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. Sad intellect!

    3. Fauci needs a trial, stocks in a public square first, then paint gun next, he as the target… Then a real Trial!

    4. Totally agree. The knee jerk reaction to wear masks and use a six foot random circle of freedom shows just how insecure the planet is as a whole. Don’t think they learned anything but they put their cowardice on hold since COVID is just a term from the past now. Perehaps that’s why everyone follows the next pathetic pattern such as use of pronouns just to appease another microscopic amount of people on earth……….Pop used to cal them all pink panty types.

    5. Teresa Cartwright

      Science is real . The pandemic could have been better controlled quicker if everyone had gotten vaccinated when the pandemic started.

    6. Just what dark hole of negativity did u come out of. Vaccines of all types have saved millions of lives. U do know science is a thing, it’s not perfect but few things are. Well, I suppose perfect stupidity is a thing to. Don’t want to take vaccine, then dont. Dr. Fauci and others simply reported and changed approaches as they learned of them. That’s how science and life is…

    7. My thoughts also. Remember the “SWINE FLU”? Killed a few , ,”EVERYONE advised to wear masks, work went on , life went on, and Obama did nothing, which actually was the correct thing.
      If you dig really deep into the CDC website, two things jump out. 1] There was a 3900% increase in young male sudden deaths POST “shot”. 2] There is a 3000% increase in “rare cancers” POST shot. I did not get the shot, survived the “Wuhan Virus” , although I spent 7 long days in the hospital , but I was not intubated nor did I get long term residual problems. HEALTHY people survived the virus.
      I will stick to my “Healthy” way and bypass anymore Fauci nonsense. He can continue reciting the “Jabberwocky” to his fellow drunkardsin Washington.

  2. People who have autoimmune problems will not be able to diferentiate between having had covid or a flair from their issue unless we get tested for the antibodies. Most of us have been experiencing these horrible sympotms for years on a daily basis before covid.

  3. China will always,
    Sacrifice their own,
    To gain world dominance,
    as history has shown.
    Their Covid virus,
    was their population control,
    and their war against freedom,
    and the world paid the toll.
    This wasn’t an accident,
    but a declaration of war,
    by the Communist Party,
    to attack freedom’s core.

  4. Please moderate these comments. The right-wing extremists have many places to go and spout nonsense. Why make this one of those places?

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