Sunday, October 20

Turning 40: 6 Things I Wish I’d Known Sooner!

Let’s talk about turning 40 because it’s not a simple decade!

I’m currently 45 years old, and let me tell you, the past five years haven’t been a walk in the park. I dedicated my twenties to building healthy habits and skills that set the foundation for a comfortable life. My thirties were focused on nurturing my physical and mental health while advancing my career, but the first half of the next decade has been a rollercoaster of emotions.

As I crossed this milestone, I realized how important it is to prioritize our well-being, especially since women go through multiple changes month after month. I wasn’t expecting that many changes to come, considering I started exercising and eating healthy many years ago.

But believe me when I tell you everything was different: my mental health went south, my intimate life (if you know what I mean) was full of highs and lows, I woke up 7 pounds heavier in a month, and I started waking up randomly in the middle of the night. I wasn’t living my best life, and it took me a while to get used to these shocking changes, but I think I know how to conquer the rest of my 40s.

Speaking of that, this article is for all women turning 40 soon. I don’t want to scare you, but I want to share all my tips and the things I wish I’d known sooner because I want you to be happy, healthy, and ready to take on any challenge. So, is someone here turning 40 soon? Here’s what I’ve learned:

turning 40
Photo by Gladskikh Tatiana from Shutterstock

1. Perimenopause can catch you by surprise

Perimenopause can strike unexpectedly, as it did to me. Shortly after turning 40, the symptoms started to show up. I had trouble sleeping, I had hot flashes in the middle of the day, my mood was all over the place, I didn’t want to have fun between the sheets with my husband, and I constantly had a headache.

I’ve talked to doctors, and I started reading books about perimenopause once I knew more about it. I’ve discovered ways to ease the symptoms and even embrace them. I understood that my hormones were acting a bit crazy, but hey, that’s a part of womanhood. Besides the uncomfortable physical part, the hardest thing was dealing with my mood swings, but I’ve learned a few helpful tips.

If you’re scared about turning 40 and experiencing perimenopause, I recommend you make a few lifestyle changes. Start by eating nutritious foods that are rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, fiber, and healthy fats; drink lots of water; try hormone-balancing teas; move your body; do yoga; get your Zzzs in; try to take some supplements, like calcium and magnesium; meditate; reduce processed foods; stop smoking; and use a lubricant when the special time comes. If your doctor recommends taking vaginal estrogen, try it out, because it might be helpful.

2. Your estrogen levels will be high

While many women think that their estrogen levels will decrease due to perimenopause, some experience symptoms related to high levels of estrogen. The first hormone that will decrease during this stage is progesterone. These two hormones need to be balanced, which means that if your progesterone levels are low, you’re more likely to experience a progesterone-favoring imbalance. This is known as estrogen dominance.

If you constantly feel weird, it’s worth checking in with your doctor and having your hormones checked. In case you have too much estrogen, you’ll need to follow your doctor’s lifestyle recommendations. There won’t be out-of-the-ordinary changes, but little things that will help you feel better and like yourself, especially after turning 40.

To make things simpler, if you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to schedule a doctor’s appointment ASAP: fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain (particularly around the abs, thighs, and hips), severe PMS, fibroids, water retention and severe bloating, slow metabolism, PCOS, irregular periods, and cold hands and feet.

swollen feet medication, turning 40
Photo by from Shutterstock

3. Alcohol isn’t your friend

If you haven’t experienced brain fog from alcohol yet, welcome to your 40s, because it won’t be as easy as before to have fun. I’ve never been a heavy drinker, but after turning 40, even three glasses of wine take me at least a day to get over. I’m okay with one glass of red wine after dinner, and I can also manage two, but three is my top. Give me a bottle of wine, and I might start writing about something else.

The thing with alcohol is that your body’s tolerance tends to decrease more and more as you age, and that’s because you don’t produce as much dehydrogenase as before. This is a useful enzyme that helps metabolize alcohol, so no wonder why 21-year-olds can party like crazy.

While drinking on special occasions is rather fun, too much of it can hurt your perimenopause symptoms. Besides that, it is also very important to take care of your liver. Since you need it to clean your blood, metabolize fat, and get rid of excess estrogen, it’s crucial to take care of it as well as you can. As you can guess, if you feed it alcohol, it will have a lot more work to do.

4. Your metabolism isn’t as fast as before

I’ve never had a crazy fast metabolism, and I wasn’t one of the skinny popular teenagers in high school. Contrary to my colleagues who gained a bit of weight after college (they look amazing both before and after), I started losing more weight when I was in my 20s. But that’s probably because I’ve learned how to cook and I made my health a priority.

But after turning 40, things can be a lot harder if you don’t have an overall healthy lifestyle. Those chips and cookies will start to show, so my tip for you is to find an activity you like, such as walking, and stick to it. Of course, mix things up so you can keep your body guessing, but I can’t stress this enough: 80% clean eating, moving your body, and a few treats here and here will make everything better, healthier, and more enjoyable.

…If you want to boost your metabolism, have more energy, stay calm and balanced, get clearer skin, reduce bloating, and keep your stomach happy, greens are the answer! I love drinking a blend of parsley, pineapple, baby spinach, and lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach. But if you’re short on time, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. Try this greens mix! It’s natural, convenient, and super easy to use. You’ll feel amazing, and both your body and mind will thank you!

sore bones, cold, where cancer spreads, turning 40
Photo by Kmpzzz from Shutterstock

5. Your bone and joint health decreases

You probably know about this, but after turning 40 and your body goes through different changes, your joint and bone health decreases. Unfortunately, women start to lose bone density as they age, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis.

To prevent this from happening, you need to consume foods that are rich in vitamin D and calcium or take supplements to get all of these amazing compounds into your body. Moreover, according to studies, strength training exercises can help prevent bone density loss, so it means you really have to start working out. You can do bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups, squats, and lunges, and if you want to take things to the next level, I recommend you check out these resistance bands and weights.

6. Mental health

I didn’t realize how important mental health was until I was in my mid-twenties, and I felt like my world was falling apart. Turning 40 can be a difficult period, and if you don’t take your time to relax, process your feelings, and do things that nurture your mind, body, and soul, things can be a little tricky for you.

The hormonal changes you’ll go through can cause mood swings, so I recommend you take regular breaks to go outside, feel the crisp air of the morning, relax in nature, practice self-care (whatever that means to you), and even go to therapy because it will help.

I hope you find this article useful because I know turning 40 can be tricky. Don’t worry, though, because you got this! And if you need any help, don’t forget that we’re always here, so let’s chat in the comments and help each other out! Until next time, here’s another good post for you: 9 Fast-Food Breakfasts to Avoid at All Costs

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