8 Signs You Are Going Blind

Could You Be Going Blind? Watch Out for These Key Symptoms!

Is the possibility of going blind making you go crazy? As we get older our bodies go through multiple changes, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. It’s not easy to accept that your body will never look the same again, am I right? Well, the good news is that you are not alone. Unfortunately, we tend to forget that the simple act of getting old is a blessing. It’s interesting how, most of us, take vision for granted until we begin to notice changes. Then, we panic and the idea of not seeing the world around us clearly, makes us go crazy.

Most of the time, vision changes are normal signs of aging, but unfortunately, they can also represent the beginning of more serious problems, such as blindness. Paying attention to what your body is trying to tell you is extremely important. So, don’t ignore the symptoms, and instead, try to understand exactly where they come from and how can you manage the problem.

I had a strange case in my family. My grandmother started to mention trouble seeing at night. At first, we thought that everything was because of her age, but as time went on, it was clear that something wasn’t right. She stopped recognizing familiar faces and even refused to read her favorite books. After an eye exam, we understood that she had cataracts, something that could have been treated much earlier if we had noticed the signs sooner.

Vision loss is common, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be inevitable. Make sure to periodically see your doctor and yearly make eye exams. Keeping everything under control and addressing any kind of issue as early as possible, will keep you healthy for a long time from now on.

Let’s get to the most common symptoms of vision loss! If you experience any of these, please make an appointment and see your doctor immediately.

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8 signs you might be going blind

1. Difficulty seeing at night

It’s called night blindness and it happens when you can’t see during the night. A lot of seniors understand that they’re dealing with this problem when they are driving in the evening. Not being able to properly see is extremely dangerous, especially while driving. This is a common issue, but once it becomes harder or even impossible to navigate in the dark, make sure you see your doctor.

The difficulty in seeing at night can be a sign of cataracts or retinitis pigmentosa. But a doctor should be the one to give you a diagnosis. Your job is to listen to the signs and make sure you act on time.

2. Blurred vision

Blurred vision is one of the most common signs of vision loss. Most of the time, seniors start noticing that things appear fuzzy or it becomes hard for them to focus. These symptoms could mean that you deal with cataracts or muscular degeneration, in some serious cases it could also be diabetic retinopathy.

Sometimes blurry vision means that you just need some stronger glasses, but it’s important to check the situation with your doctor. And if you experience it, don’t worry! It can be often treated.

Image by fizkes from Shutterstock

3. Double vision

This one might be a little scary and is a very serious condition. It makes daily activities difficult, and it needs immediate treatment. Having a double vision means seeing two images of a single object. You shouldn’t wait at all after you experience this symptom, and seeing a doctor as fast as possible is mandatory. Don’t wait until is too late!

4. Reduced peripheral vision

If you notice any problems in the corners of your eyes and experience vision issues on the peripheral sides, it might be a sign of glaucoma. This is a condition that damages the optic nerve and it usually leads to blindness.  Unfortunately, the problem with this condition it is that it can’t be easily noticed because it comes with minimal changes in vision. The gradual reduction can make the serious issue hard to diagnose, that’s why it’s essential to check your eyes regularly.

Blindness is one of the scariest health conditions because it requires a lot of external support and can be extremely overwhelming for the patient. Not seeing the world around you as you used to do can also cause another issue, such as depression or anxiety. So, stop taking vision for granted and be more aware of the power you hold as long as you can properly see.

5. Inability to distinguish colors

If you experience difficulty in distinguishing purple and blue colors this could be a serious sign of cataracts or macular degeneration. Both conditions can contribute to the way you see colors, making them seem washed out. In case you feel your ability to distinguish colors is changing, remember that it might be a sign of a serious vision problem. Also, make sure to see your doctor as soon as possible and get an official diagnosis.

6. Discomfort

Are you experiencing constant eye pain or pressure? Any kind of discomfort in vision can be a strong sign of a serious problem. Eye strain is normal, especially if we are considering all the screens around ourselves. The problem appears when the discomfort is persistent and you don’t identify any improvement.

Persistent pain can signal conditions like glaucoma, eye infections, or even eye injuries. Don’t ignore the pain and make sure you’ll have an eye exam in case you are dealing with this kind of problem.

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7. Flashes of light

If you see small squiggly lines that seem to move across your vision, you might consider them harmless, but in reality, they can be a sign that you might be losing your vision. If you suddenly experience flashes of light, it’s most likely that you are dealing with a retinal detachment, which is an extremely dangerous condition. It can lead to permanent vision loss, if not treated immediately. So, see an eye doctor right away if you experience this kind of symptom.

8. Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription

Last but not least, constant changes in your eyeglass prescription are not normal and usually indicate serious vision issues. So, needing new glasses too often is not normal at all. Conditions like macular degeneration or diabetes can cause big fluctuations in your vision. So, if you experienced interesting changes, make sure to schedule an eye exam and investigate the cause.

Before leaving, let us know what life feels like, now that you are a retiree, experiencing more and more health issues. Do you find it difficult to keep up with everything going on? Or are you a master at staying positive? Let us know in the comment section found below. Also, please don’t forget what you read at the beginning of this article: Getting old is a blessing. You should embrace every new chapter of your life with optimism and happiness. As long as you listen to your body and don’t ignore the signs, you should be fine.

Regular doctor appointments are a must and shouldn’t be seen as a reason to stress. Taking care of your body is much needed. As long as you are healthy, you’ll be free to do whatever you want to do. So, make that appointment and check your vision if you haven’t done it in a while!

If you found this article helpful, you should read this one next: Eye Cancer Can Be Spotted – Here’s How!

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