Sunday, June 30

Top 9 Things You Should NEVER Do Before a Blood Test

blood test
Photo by FrankHH from Shutterstock

6. Being stressed

No matter how calm you are in general, everyone gets a little nervous or stressed out before any kind of test. Either you know you have something, or the prospect of having to go and, uh, see blood gives you the creeps. It is advised to look elsewhere as the nurse takes the sample since some individuals faint when they see it.

But you must make an effort to unwind. Exercise your breathing to soothe your body, and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. Stress and anxiety can restrict the veins and raise blood pressure, making it challenging to collect a blood sample.

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4 thoughts on “Top 9 Things You Should NEVER Do Before a Blood Test”

  1. I’ve only heard of some of the suggestions when fasting was necessary. I was told for most tests you want things as normal as possible so they can see what your levels are under normal circumstances.

  2. Mr. David Rowinski

    Re: page 4 “… postpone it for two or three days after the tests.” Should this be “before” the tests?

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